Submitted by dcofm t3_116ufqx in newhampshire
fncw t1_j98iz6q wrote
PNWMunky t1_j98j9yg wrote
PNWMunky t1_j98kkkj wrote
It’s not trolling. Gaslighter
eeveerose63 t1_j98lfoc wrote
Ice cracking on a pond as it contracts. Sounds like whale song.
Open_Package_624 t1_j98mcqz wrote
Loons...spring peepers
Senno_Ecto_Gammat t1_j98nkfk wrote
thread100 t1_j98nlb5 wrote
I recently learned that water is unusual that it expands when it freezes and then shrinks like other solids as it gets colder. Hence the cracking that confused the hell out of me as a youngster. I’m fun at parties.
Fine-Cartographer838 t1_j98nme1 wrote
The Quiet
PNWMunky t1_j98nr7s wrote
plemur t1_j98o2lf wrote
The deathly silence after a heavy snow interrupted by a soft crash of clumps falling from an overburdened branch and that tiny woosh it makes as it vaults back into place, then that prolonged series of soft, overlapping thumps as one after another follow suit. That's my favorite New Hampshire sound.
Fast-Cryptographer17 t1_j98otyw wrote
Well said
itsMalarky t1_j98pfhc wrote
Whales singing at night off the coast of star island.
Clock-Full t1_j98te1b wrote
The sound of every other state leaving us the hell alone.
Emeleigh_Rose t1_j98u583 wrote
I lke the haunting sounds of the Loons on Lake Winnpesaukee.
Mandy220 t1_j98xkdk wrote
High pressah!
Zestyclose-Equal2105 t1_j98ykwt wrote
Mourning Doves in the early morning, bonus points if there’s Peepers too.
-cochise t1_j98ysrh wrote
Tcht-sssss *glug*
heretolearnhowtoread t1_j991p48 wrote
Dark star playing the Ballroom
Jeepn87 t1_j9923s7 wrote
Fisher Cats
Doover__ t1_j992d89 wrote
gaslighting isn't real, it's all in your head
glockster19m t1_j992n0c wrote
Iconic is definitely the loon calls, as far as interesting and weird I'd say shrieking wild cats, literally sounds like a human screaming for help
veggie_hike t1_j99344g wrote
Fisher cats waking me up by screaming in the middle of the night. Horrible.
RickyDaytonaJr t1_j993j8v wrote
The combination of huffing, puffing, coughing and wheezing from out-of-shape campers carrying their beach gear up the Lonesome Lake Trail on a sunny summer day.
BumCubble42069 t1_j996zld wrote
Someone yelling “GET ME A BEER”
MesaVerde87 t1_j997lar wrote
I'm surprised no one has said this.
shortieXV t1_j9985xk wrote
When a pond is just barely frozen and you toss a rock on thin ice to hear it ping and echo across the water.
Impriel t1_j9995x8 wrote
My elderly neighbor who grows hay shouting "@-&$#! G** D** channel 7!" Every time it rains by surprise
fistofthefuture t1_j99gu6w wrote
Rag_tag_slum_88 t1_j99gw6h wrote
I'm pretty sure I just heard skunks either mating or fighting and I've had 5 sights in the past weeks, so I'll say that.
capybarramundi t1_j99r5q8 wrote
I have very fond memories of loons echoing across Lake Winnipesaukee on warm summer nights.
Mammoth_Amount_5994 t1_j99riwq wrote
Take my upvote and leave. You've been here too long lol 😆
Conebones t1_j99u3he wrote
Legalize the ganja and we will, we don't wanna worry about going to Vermont or Maine from Massachusetts.
Doug_Shoe t1_j99vdsx wrote
there are singing brooks in the White Mts
heeyyyyooo t1_j99wji4 wrote
The Karen at the local store asking to speak to the manager
Visible-Education-98 t1_j99xzh0 wrote
The sound of a muffler on a car heading south on 93 with Mass plates on it?
snowman603 t1_j99z6us wrote
A vernal pool full of peepers in the Spring.
quiguy87 t1_j99z7i5 wrote
Barred Owls hooting at night
Awkward-Media-3550 t1_j9a1y4j wrote
Cog steam engine going up Washington
Mynewadventures t1_j9a4inh wrote
This person...listens
overdoing_it t1_j9a51dn wrote
Cardinal singing in the morning. I hear it every day in NH except during winter when they don't really sing. Although once I slammed a door at night and a cardinal must have woken up and belted out a few tunes in surprise, maybe he was dreaming about singing.
NHGuy t1_j9a5rxy wrote
"Comin' up, I'll tell ya the story"
Bomdiggitydoo t1_j9a6pcp wrote
The sound of a piece of shit 20 year old pickup truck with a trump won sticker and a let’s go Brandon flag riding up your ass on 93 even though you’re doing 85
SheeEttin t1_j9a7nrb wrote
Water is extremely unusual in a number of ways! Due to the actual shape of a water molecule, it's also unusually polar, allowing it to dissolve just about everything we need to live. And it has one of the strongest surface tensions of common liquids.
And unlike most other substances, the frozen form is less dense than the liquid (as you noted), meaning ice floats! I don't know a single other substance that behaves that way.
dardios t1_j9a84wt wrote
The sound of anyone with deep family roots talking in Seabrook.
Spoonblade t1_j9a9dfk wrote
And if this were not the case and ice sank then our lakes would eventually freeze solid. Pretty handy that it floats.
-RYknow t1_j9aaqwz wrote
Damn... This person nailed it!
bhj2x t1_j9adldo wrote
Wow beautifully said
thrunabulax t1_j9adsou wrote
a moose walking thru the forest coming your way!
lives4summits t1_j9adupr wrote
The sound of a dirtbag in camo clutching his guns yelling “try to come and take it from me”
chomerics t1_j9aed6a wrote
Loons, one of the most peaceful sounds that exist.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j9aeijn wrote
Snow sliding off my metal roof - sounds like a train overhead. Startling the first time you hear it.
Puzzleheaded-Row-511 t1_j9aeli3 wrote
You use your mouth prettier than a $20 whore!!!
Puzzleheaded-Row-511 t1_j9aeubv wrote
I live pretty much in the woods and I hear some pretty interesting sounds at night. It sounds like a coyote orgy going on up there. It's scary sounding, I can tell you that! LoL
AirshipThyme t1_j9af5n4 wrote
Fisher cats. Born and raised woodsy NH and that sounds still scares the shit outta me everytime
SideScrollFrank t1_j9afaq4 wrote
Whitesnake playing on Rock 101
nobletrout0 t1_j9aikjw wrote
The scraping of skis against the ice at 3:45pm at your favorite mountain on Presidents’ Day weekend.
Qbncgr t1_j9ajhmc wrote
The Peepers chirping all night in the spring, followed by the Whiporwill singing in the morning.
golfgrandslam t1_j9ak0rw wrote
No you won't
reddittheguy t1_j9akmvp wrote
I hate it but you said interesting...
Being in the mountains in mid June, miles from a road and hearing the distant, semi leaf muffled sound of a thousand assholes on very loud motorcycles.
reddittheguy t1_j9aml1e wrote
redditmetis is also a fun one to hit up when you find these kinds of users.
228P t1_j9amp9u wrote
Who cooks for you?
WyattfuckinEarp t1_j9amyuv wrote
Yeah, it's hard to describe the clump hitting the ground noise. Especially on fresh snow, it's a somewhat crunch and dull this all at once
Viking603 t1_j9anlsc wrote
Loons on a foggy morning as you enjoy your coffee while sitting on the back porch overlooking the Connecticut river.
TheNextFreud t1_j9anu7p wrote
The yelp of joy someone lets out when they get a perfect parking spot in Portsmouth
Dollhousefurniture t1_j9aptb6 wrote
The first time I heard one was at 5am once and I was going to call 911. My fiancé had to explain it wasn’t a person.
macthebundylite t1_j9apxkt wrote
And the monkey sounds!
Narrow_Initiative_78 t1_j9at3ql wrote
I could not explain this as perfectly if I tried
Conebones t1_j9atq31 wrote
I won't what? Worry?
SAS379 t1_j9aucji wrote
Yellow stitches
AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j9ax65u wrote
Not exclusively NH obviously, but I llove listening to Barred Owl hoots.
[deleted] t1_j9aza0j wrote
Infinite-Trader t1_j9b37ga wrote
Loon in the morning fog
HerrDictator t1_j9b3ibz wrote
9 p.m. fireworks from July 4th to July 3rd.
Novel-Star6109 t1_j9b9wap wrote
a true New Hampshirite. this man gets it
gen_accident t1_j9bfr63 wrote
Whenever he hears the theme tune, my little lad yells, “It’s Fritz!”
NHGuy t1_j9bg1hf wrote
my ex-wife hates the sound of his voice, so I occasionally record one and send it to her lol - "Just thinking of you"
exhaustedretailwench t1_j9bknl6 wrote
ok, Golden Pond
StWilVment t1_j9bnebe wrote
For real though, I could be in my kitchen and hear the intro song from my tv and get homesick. I love his stupid stories.
golfgrandslam t1_j9btn28 wrote
You people won't leave us alone if we legalize weed.
Cost_Additional t1_j9bz26a wrote
Fisher Cat attacking a rabbit
Conebones t1_j9c1lfg wrote
Lol get real. I love your state but I would love it more if they got with the times and moved on.
plemur t1_j9c8ngk wrote
Sounds like that might be a raise, I'll take it!
plemur t1_j9c8zn3 wrote
You know it's going to be a nice night!
kanid99 t1_j9c9gfh wrote
Fishercats. Scary stuff if you don't know what it is.
Puzzleheaded-Row-511 t1_j9c9mse wrote
Just fill out the app!
ThinWelcome5879 t1_j9ccclx wrote
That was precisely my family and me at Crotched Mountain on Saturday. Like scraping sand off of concrete.
BytorPaddler t1_j9cisez wrote
Mockingbirds in early spring too. They've already started calling.
HazardousWeather t1_j9cjea5 wrote
Lived in CA for a few years. What I missed was the sound of what I call the NH laugh, the from the heart, hearty laughter heard in public places like restaurants, town meetings before they begin, any places where people line up. It was that auditory sense of uninhibited self that I missed the most
maat922 t1_j9cm5tw wrote
Well since this is where I learned (the hard way) that bigfoot are actually REAL, that's the most interesting sound I've heard so far since moving here in 2013.
i_miss_buddy t1_j9daasw wrote
I thought this would be the first answer. That’s what I thought!
ReauxChambeaux t1_j9dbva1 wrote
Fisher Cats
dcofm OP t1_j9ddhjk wrote
Love this description. Thank you!
dcofm OP t1_j9dduwm wrote
I'm missing the reference here -- what's this from?
dcofm OP t1_j9de7wl wrote
I've not heard of these, do you know the names of any of them?
NHGuy t1_j9de8ky wrote
NH Chronicle - Fritz Weatherbee's opening teaser about what story he's going to tell tonight concludes with that
dcofm OP t1_j9f5abn wrote
Oh this is so great, thanks for turning me on to this!
Unhappy_Amoeba_9918 t1_j9fa2m6 wrote
"Coming up next, a rock block of ZZ Top, Def Leppard and Led Zeppelin"
throwawayada79 t1_j9fh5zd wrote
It's only 19yrs old & I don't have a Trumptard sticker! My bad because of my 5in lift I can't tell my proper speed. But yeah it's a Ford so it's a POS. /s
throwawayada79 t1_j9fhxlm wrote
Not really a NH sound per sei. But riding up a ski lift @ 9am @ 32°. Coffee in 1 hand, sounds from the chair lift & silence riding up is blissful to me.
hitmannumber862 t1_j9gcdka wrote
Machine gun fire in the hills, or fisher calls at night.
shuaaaa t1_j9gqgru wrote
But, it’s legal in Mass, I don’t think I understand?
rmarkham t1_j9gqteu wrote
Peepers on the first rainy night of spring.
HyzerChump t1_j9h2hxl wrote
I was gonna say loons calling across a body of water on a silent evening. But this is on another level
Crow_Titanium t1_j9j55dm wrote
Those shitheads are usually doing ten under the limit in front of me. Gotta impede progress, any way you can.
holoprism t1_j9kayl7 wrote
memory unlocked
NHSunlover t1_j9kedz4 wrote
As you travel in your Tesla not pulling over because you are doing 80 and that's plenty for anyone.
NHSunlover t1_j9kembb wrote
I can send you one along with an FJB sticker so we can have twin trucks.
throwawayada79 t1_j9kfx7n wrote
Haha, I'll pass. You got a Ford too?
Bomdiggitydoo t1_j9l34ch wrote
It’s a Subaru and I drive fast, but nice try.
teeeray t1_j98icda wrote
Whatever the fox says