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dedude747 t1_j9atjh9 wrote

When I first moved to NH as a young, wide-eyed 21 year old, I was apartment hunting on Seacoast CL. Found what looked like a pretty good deal for a separate suite in a house. No idea where it was anymore, but I think in a more rural area. Emailed the posters, seemed like a nice enough old couple, so we talked on the phone.

Their first rule on the phone was "absolutely no interaction with the neighbors. You can't talk to them, you can't say hello to them, and never go over there." Next rule was ALL lights off after a certain time. Next was park at the end of the driveway, never drive up to the house. They continued to list some other insane, paranoid rules justified by how they "value their privacy". Dumbass me didn't notice the red flags, but thankfully they never contacted me again so the problem solved itself.

There were some other interesting posts too. Older male looking for only younger males, sex "preferable but not required," etc etc.