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kitchinsink t1_j9u9aq5 wrote

I haven't, and will continue not to vote for him, largely because I don't align with him on many issues that are important to me.
On The Issues

A sprinkling of examples:
I believe that we should legalize cannabis. He does not, and often uses the opioid crisis as an example. While that seems like a good argument on the surface, because fighting drugs with more drugs feels weird, studies show that "states with medical cannabis laws experienced slower rates of increase in opioid analgesic overdose death rates compared to states without such laws." One such study

I disagree with him on restricting funding to Planned Parenthood. PP provides tons of valuable services. Community based health services are a boon for people, and as such they should be funded accordingly. Having good access to birth control and sexual health information is also good for reducing abortions.

I agree with his business-minded changes. I've owned more than one business in NH and NH continues to be a pretty business friendly state.

I disagree with the school choice, because I see it as taking away money from public schools. I grew up in pretty extreme poverty and public school was my saving grace. It helped me become an educated and well rounded. I also do not want my tax dollars to go to religious schools, because I see it as a violation of the separation of church and state, something which is important to me.

I agree with him on things like environmental cleanup, PFAS mitigation, no state income and sales tax. I disagree on him blocking commuter rail, as it would provide solid public transportation to a lot of people and bring economic success to NH.

In the end, I largely don't vote for him because of those harm reduction issues. I believe that in our society there are always things we will not like, but are necessary to keep things moving along and keep people safe and sound.