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SillyIce t1_j9ky885 wrote

Dude you are NOT a minority and you HAVEN'T experienced any bigotry. Payaso.


WeimarStreetCrust t1_j9mue8c wrote

Do you believe the ideals of free Staters are acceptable in our society?


roborob11 t1_j9mvjgp wrote

“The ideals of Free Staters …”

The ideals of free staters are anathema to society. So…


WeimarStreetCrust t1_j9n38r0 wrote

So you don’t tolerate them?

Ok, congratulations, you qualify as a bigot!


roborob11 t1_j9n3fp7 wrote

Please get an education.


WeimarStreetCrust t1_j9nbraa wrote

Bigot - a person who has strong, unreasonable ideas, esp. about race or religion, and who thinks anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong:

You should get one yourself!


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j9ploh7 wrote

The issue here is that you think the FSP is reasonable.

You can bark all you want, but in the end you're just a small dog on a leash and your movement will never go anywhere.

Completely impotent, the libertarian way.


smartest_kobold t1_j9o2jcc wrote

Aside from dating teenagers? Yeah. America already has at least one major party dedicated to privatization and amoral profit seeking.

You want to see what happens to real disruptive and socially unacceptable politics, look at how the state treated the Black Panthers. Heck, the FBI tried to blackmail MLK into killing himself.