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Argonation t1_j9x8w81 wrote

It’s obviously getting to be too late a night for me. I read that as vigilante instead of vigilance.


CannaQueen73 t1_j9xp47l wrote

I blame people for not speaking up over the past years as they’ve gotten emboldened. They think their friends support them.


AvianQuill t1_j9xvqv3 wrote

They really need therapy and anger management classes.


angryjonny_1 t1_j9y30cg wrote

Right. Post your pictures of all the white supremacists y’all find this weekend. Fucking morons.


Grudgingly t1_j9y4enw wrote

Seriously, this is the paywalled article:

NH safety officials ask for vigilance as white supremacists promote ‘day of hate’

The state Department of Safety is urging New Hampshire residents and visitors to be “vigilant” this weekend, after white supremacist groups posted online messages referencing a “national day of hate” on Saturday.

The agency stressed that it has received no information regarding any “credible threats or scheduled events” in New Hampshire.


ILikeCrabbyRobots t1_j9y8jz6 wrote

But, according to that other thread NH is safe and there is no hate here! Huh, this is a real puzzler...


smartest_kobold t1_j9ycbt7 wrote

I think this is probably law enforcement wildly exaggerating an isolated threat. Right wing violence does pose a nationwide threat, but this seems to me a little bit like when folks were panicking about antifa supersoldiers.


603ify t1_j9yghrn wrote

And this is where the left completely outs themselves as being disingenuous. They’ll start by saying we should condemn white supremacy. The right will be like, we totally agree, but what white supremacists are you even talking about? Then the left will literally be like white supremacists are anyone who don’t support our race based politics and garbage “equity” policies forced down everyone’s throat by big gov.


Hanginon t1_j9yi60d wrote

Well the jokes on them, I hate them every day. ¯\_( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)_/¯

Come on you bunch of dumbass jackboots, at least try to keep up a little!


603ify t1_j9yif5c wrote

I think the issue here is our definition of white supremacists. The right see’s white suprematists as someone who believes other races are inferior and uses intimidation and threats to harass other races. The left says white supremacists all the time but what they mean are just anyone who doesn’t vote for their candidates.


YBMExile t1_j9ym9zc wrote

Maybe they’re black or brown or Jewish or LGBT. Or maybe they’re paying attention to a national rise in hate crimes against <pick any group that’s a target of white male grievance>. Or maybe they pay attention to the intersection of the alt-right / MAGA movement in a state with so few restrictions against guns.


603ify t1_j9ymcv7 wrote

Yeah basically. Don’t support our massive government over reach to redistribute wealth in the name of “social justice”. Then you’re a white supremacist.


ZacPetkanas t1_j9ymx2z wrote

> But, according to that other thread NH is safe and there is no hate here! Huh, this is a real puzzler...

From the article:

> The agency stressed that it has received no information regarding any “credible threats or scheduled events” in New Hampshire.

Hope that helps your confusion


besafenh t1_j9ynfy5 wrote

Back when NH had Civil Rights Day instead of MLK Jr Day, David Duke and his merry klan came to Concord to celebrate whiteness.

Counter-protesters outnumbered the Duke Klansmen 3-1 and the Capital Security force was “tactically incapable of protecting Mr Duke and his associates”. Response by area police was “cautious” “due to the number of pedestrians in the area”.

~ 10 mph

Sadly cough Mr Duke and his associates caught a fair smack down, from the yeomanry of NH. Not from lefty college kids from liberal states, nor blue haired Democrats from MA, but your average Carhartt wearing Granite Stater.

Duke took the hint, only after his lawsuit over the lack of protection was summarily dismissed.


HikeEveryMountain t1_j9yo2j2 wrote

Are you seriously arguing that if I can't personally name a white supremacist then there aren't any? I can't name any arsonists, does that mean that there are no arsonists too? I don't know the names of any senators from Idaho, so Idaho must not have senators, right?

I don't have to personally identify or name them to know they exist. I see "white lives matter" signs in front of houses. I report graffiti swastikas to my town multiple times per year. My state and local officials, whom I pay with my taxes, have identified white supremacist activity on my behalf, and issued this warning, so that I don't have to waste my time with those scumbags.

Want to talk about disingenuous, how about we address this concept of "if you won't doxx the white supremacists on Reddit then they don't exist"?


603ify t1_j9yorw6 wrote

There’s a difference between, doesn’t exist, and is not prevalent in our society at all.

White lives matter and all lives matter are not white supremacy statements btw? By your logic saying white lives matter is white supremacy? Then is saying Black Lives Matter black supremacy?


GRADIUSIC_CYBER t1_j9you5z wrote

>Yeah I don’t think so.


what don't you think so, and what is the link supposed to support? honestly just confused what your point was.


YBMExile t1_j9yoxz4 wrote

See: Southern Poverty Law Center, Anti Defamation League websites for good insight on hate groups in this state and elsewhere in New England / USA.

Here is a link to an article about hate crimes on the rise in NH:

And of course, with your own eyes, see the evidence of Proud Boys / 3 Percenters / Oath Keepers on a black pickup near you.

It’s okay to not be the target of this to see it and acknowledge it.


angryjonny_1 t1_j9ypf9i wrote

Because y’all bothered by the opinions of .5% of the population. Just fucking ignore them. You’re actually giving them the platform to spread their agenda.

Kinda like when y’all wanted to shut down the whole country for a virus with a .1% mortality rate.


besafenh t1_j9ypszd wrote

A friend’s wife, born here to Mexican parents legally in CA, back when there was a migrant worker program, was “schooled” in her use of patrimonial white supremacy by a white 20-something woman, when using “Latina” instead of “Latinx”.

Pero no, blanquita…


FenwaysMom t1_j9z578d wrote

Just look for the people wearing masks.


WMDLaotian t1_j9z5l21 wrote

Wasn’t Epping the hub of the KKK in NH a while back?


Brave_Manufacturer20 t1_j9zcnfa wrote

Is this real or just some hysterical made up story?

"Day of hate" legit sounds like something a cartoon super-villian would declare


manicmonkeys t1_j9zjxjy wrote

That link is talking about an office created less than 6 years ago. Of course they're going to see a huge increase in reports in their initial years. That is a weak basis for a belief.


DisMuhUserName t1_j9zl3ty wrote

I almost guarantee this is a giant load of bullshit floated by the left.


Cantide756 t1_j9zogdu wrote

I have a really hard time believing they are calling for "day of hate" and not going after some euphemism for it. Sounds like clickbait to get pepper through the paywall, or they are reporting on trolls with no actual intentions for the real world


Cananbaum t1_j9zwb9n wrote

I lost all respect for a coworker because she endlessly droned on and on about how, “It’s the WHITE house! Stained by a black family and their n*ggilet kids!” Shortly after he got elected

She didn’t care about policies, or the recession, just the fact that the president was black.

Needless to say the hotel we were at didn’t think it was a good look that their waitress was openly racist and let her go not long after.


ninjamansidekick t1_j9zwium wrote

Probably, if we get off the internet and away from social media it is amazing how humane and decent most people are. I tend to think that alot of the extremism on all sides is astro turfed and amplified to for clicks and and clout.


lome88 t1_j9zz8lw wrote

Very much this. I moved back to CT years ago but lived in NH for north of a decade. It always surprises people down here when I say NH is a lot more tolerant than people realize, it's just that they're quiet about it. The one defining characteristic of a born and bred NH person is that they mind their own damn business and expect you to do the same. If you bring noise into their communities, you will get spoken to.

Of course there's pockets. It breaks my heart visiting friends up in NH and seeing the Trump signs on the road, but I know those are pretty isolated from what a lot of people up there feel.


Alert_Salt7048 t1_ja075t6 wrote

When nothing happens and nobody shows up make sure to say….”they were scared off”.


hardsoft t1_ja0a0vf wrote

> The state’sDepartment’s Information and Analysis Center (NHIAC) has received no information indicating any credible threats or scheduled events in New Hampshire.

But be enraged anyways...


DisMuhUserName t1_ja0ga2j wrote

I’m not a Trump supporter, but listen to the fall speech on Charlottesville, he specifically said he wasn’t talking about the white supremacists.

January 6th was a riot, it just happened to be at the capitol. It wasn’t 3 months of rioting, but it was a riot ant it was also wrong.


dc551589 t1_ja0kc5q wrote

And then THEY turn around and say stuff like, “everything was fine until Obama made everything about race.” When what they mean is, “I was comfortable with my social station and now I’m losing my goddamn mind because the country is being led by someone I believe is inherently inferior to me, so what does that make me?”

A lot of people had big racist existential crises. It’s like saying everything was fine until that Asian guy decided to be all… Asian. It’s his fault that I’m so mad he’s Asian.


dc551589 t1_ja0kyfz wrote

It’s too bad you got a downvote because I’m assuming you meant fascist white supremacists are cowards and also cover their faces when they do shit like this, not that anyone wearing a mask for personal health and safety reasons is a Nazi, right?


Lurk_Real_Close t1_ja1b84n wrote

I’d like to agree, but I’m not sure that’s as true as it used to be. As someone posted above, the racism in ordinary NH folks really came out with the Obama presidency. And then Trump capitalized on that. There is a lot of hate and division in NH these days.


Almightyfartbucket t1_ja282dd wrote

My first weekend trip to downtown concord last year consisted of an eight vehicle convoy of proud boys honking their horns and waving their “ let’s go Brandon” flags. I’ve never been more disgusted and disappointed with New Hampshire in my life.


General_Piano_5568 t1_ja328jk wrote

Jesus Christ all you people are brainwashed… Of course, racism exist. But there is several other things that affect this country in a much more negative way than racism… Sorry, I don’t care… And yes, I am black… everything starts within your home and how you treat your children and raise your children in the family you surround yourself with whether it’s friends or blood… My god this country has gone down the shitter everybody wants to point a finger at something