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glockster19m t1_j8wn0cn wrote

Like I definitely don't support the browns, they were both straight up mentally ill and thought they Ed thought he was the second coming of Jesus Christ by the end of it

But it also just wasn't a stand off. They were literally arrested when two undercover agents showed up at their door with a sheet of fucking brownies and were let right inside


largeb789 t1_j8xpyrw wrote

But it could have turned violent. They had traps in place. They were non compliant with the law.


glockster19m t1_j8xqd1r wrote

But again, it didn't turn violent

If anything it's an example of how easily the government could have avoided violence had they wanted to in similar situations like Ruby Ridge


largeb789 t1_j8xrzvm wrote

Ed Brown "vowed to resist arrest violently and die rather than go to prison." The only reason the standoff didn't turn violent was the marshals were able to trick them. I don't think Ruby Ridge would have unfolded the same way. I'm glad the feds learned from that and realized they were dealing with a couple nutters.