Submitted by t3_1144koe in newhampshire

I'm thinking of driving up from MA on Sunday to knock off a few miles of the Appalachian Trail in New Hampshire that I haven't done yet, maybe somewhere between Hanover and Mt Moosilaukee. I was wondering how snowy/hostile the hiking conditions might be in that area? I also fully don't intend to summit Moosilaukee, just wanted to do a day trip worth of hiking, 5 miles or so.



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t1_j8v8bko wrote

I haven't been to Hanover in a couple weeks, but I know that near Woodville (just west of Moosilauke) it's a mix of mud slush and ice all over town. I've heard the higher elevations have more actual snow...


t1_j8vcwo6 wrote

I was up in Franconia notch a couple weeks ago it was icy, used my spikes but no need for snow shoes. And given the weather of the last week depending on temp that day might be more mud than ice.


t1_j8wgst1 wrote

you should join one of those hiking facebook groups for 4000 footers. Everyone there is usually very happy to provide beta. If you're staying below treeline, you should be fine hiking moosilauke in most weather conditions. Above treeline at moosilauke can get as gnarly as washington or the franconia ridge.


t1_j8ztuao wrote

Bring yak trax. Trails will be rivers of ice.

Edit: I’ve had to turn back from summiting Smarts Mtn. in late May.