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[deleted] t1_jeb633u wrote



warren_stupidity t1_jeb6ush wrote

To the best approximation the per capita asshole rate everywhere is one.


AlexTheTolerable t1_jebj2ab wrote

I lived in MA for four years before moving to NH and I must say, the stereotypes are true. Most people I met in MA were rude and seemingly had a “we’re better than you attitude.” On multiple occasions I was told that I was stupider than someone simply because I didn’t go to school in MA. Now NH, on the other hand, has some of the most pleasant people I’ve ever met. People here seem very humble and friendly


FreelanceNinjaM t1_jebqxe8 wrote

I disagree but I love your name.


AlexTheTolerable t1_jebs1ee wrote

Much appreciated. Obviously not everyone I met was an asshole, but while I did meet my fair share of them in MA, I have yet to meet one in NH