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01Zaphod t1_jecwh9o wrote


51stheFrank t1_jee1kiv wrote

I’ll take the property tax and no sales/income tax. You can have all three in MA


Queasy_Turnover t1_jefzkyj wrote

I came from NJ years ago and I always get a chuckle from people complaining about property taxes here. I mean yeah, they're high, but they're still way less than what they are in the area of NJ that I'm from. To your point, I'll take no sales or income tax mixed with higher property taxes any day, it's still more affordable than a lot of other areas.


ihaveatrophywife t1_jeev4rx wrote

The tax burden in NH is one of the lowest in the country. That takes property tax into account. It also varies town to town so it’s often a more local issue.


vjalander t1_jeew06e wrote

I just read we are the third lowest tax burden in the county at something like 6%