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newenglandpolarbear t1_jakie9e wrote

For #1 bring everything, snowshoes, micro spikes, glove warmers, etc. We recently had an experienced hiker pass away climbing mountains due to being under prepared. Winter hiking in New Hampshire is not something to screw around with.

You know the saying: "When in New England if you don't like the weather, wait a minute, it'll change." It may not look like snow now, but that could change. GFS Model shows below freezing that weekend.

Edit: Since OP doesn't actually want any advice, and will personally attack you if you try, I will no longer be responding to them, I encourage you all to do the same.


kearsargeII t1_jakvt5s wrote

Mount Major isn’t exactly like hiking in the Whites. It is low elevation, far below treeline, and a fairly short hike. I honestly wouldn’t consider it much more risky than any walk in the NH woods, though the top can get a bit exposed. Unless the weather is truly atrocious, I would think that anyone with the right equipment, ie winter clothes, micro spikes, would have no real difficulty summiting.


newenglandpolarbear t1_jakzvi9 wrote

>I would think that anyone with the right equipment, ie winter clothes, micro spikes, would have no real difficulty summiting.

Which is exactly why I suggested what I did. It'll probably be a piece of cake, but that doesn't mean you go under prepared.


degggendorf OP t1_jakmxz2 wrote

Glove warmers!? I appreciate your concern, but last weekend I hiked the highest mountain in the Adirondacks (plus two others), below zero the whole day, with a wind chill at the summits something like -30. I think I'll be okay below freezing for two miles, that's like light jacket weather.

Of course I'll watch for new snow, but generally stuff fully melts between storms around there, right?


newenglandpolarbear t1_jakzr71 wrote

Listen pal, I wear shorts in sub freezing weather, but that's also irrelevant. You came here for advice, I gave you advice. Don't be an arrogant jerk.


degggendorf OP t1_jalytq8 wrote

You gave irrelevant advice that I didn't ask for...from my perspective you mansplaining light hiking to me seems awfully arrogant too.


OG_Kush_Wizard t1_jaksh5v wrote

Do you want advice or to hear what you want to hear?


degggendorf OP t1_jakuswm wrote know I'm asking about the 1,700 ft hill called Mount Major, right?

If you think that's equivalent to one of the Franconia Range, then you're not the type of person I'm looking for advice from.


bonanzapineapple t1_jal0si8 wrote

It's also March. Very much still winter in NH


degggendorf OP t1_jalyxuj wrote

Oh gee whiz thanks, I didn't know how to read a calendar, I thought it was going to be summer
