irr1449 t1_jan533k wrote
Skiing Tuckermans in the winter is basically asking to die. It is a stupid idea, especially after all the snow we’ve gotten in the last few weeks. I live nearby and we literally have 3+ feet of really fluffy powder on the ground. This is perfect conditions for avalanches.
earpain2 t1_janze47 wrote
That’s EXACTLY what I said when I heard about it this morning. Who skis Tuck’s before April?
lantonas t1_jao431s wrote
I only ski Tuckermans in August.
FlyingLemurs76 t1_jaoe74a wrote
You can be reasonably safe in tucks and huntington in the winter
Ok_Nobody4967 t1_jap0y6v wrote
One of my father’s friends died in an avalanche in the 1980s on Mt. Washington in April. The mountains are very unforgiving.
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