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thenagain11 t1_javx40x wrote

If you are doing something in protest you do so with the knowledge that you could always be arrested for your actions- dumb ass people that throw soup on painting for climate action get arrested- even if there is glass protecting it and it can just be mopped up - why shouldn't racists?

It's not a blank canvas - police don't want anyone putting stuff up on overpasses, especially those stupid cups, that is why there are laws. Any other person who did that without a permit should also be fined or arrested because it is a danger to safety if these things blow away into the windshields of oncoming traffic. That's why they have permits. It just isn't in the newspaper when those violators are fined or arrested because they aren't racists. This isn't infringing on anyone's rights. He did something stupid and bigoted. We should absolutely not let him get away with it.


jdkeith t1_jb0z0vr wrote

> It just isn't in the newspaper when those violators are fined or arrested because they aren't racists.

I doubt that, but it's possible. The case should be simple then - whatever the charge for trespassing is without any kind of a hate multiplier - same as anyone making overpass fence text out of red plastic cups would get.


thenagain11 t1_jb12p88 wrote

If you break the law, you break the law. If he broke hate crime laws, the state should prosecute.


jdkeith t1_jb1gvix wrote

That applies to shit like runaway slaves too. I’m saying that law shouldn’t exist / violates the first amendment.


thenagain11 t1_jb1iwh0 wrote

Free speech isnt the same as zero consequences.


jdkeith t1_jb2811j wrote

It's zero direct legal consequences. It doesn't mean they can't be fired from their jobs or something.