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otiswrath t1_javxws7 wrote

To be clear, trespassing is the unlawful entry on to the land of another or the unlawful propelling of objects or other persons on to the property of another.

Hanging signs on the property of another without permission is trespassing.

While I believe that every person deserves the right to a full throated legal defense I am not super surprised they are having trouble finding counsel. The legal community in NH is pretty small and no one wants to become known in Fascist circles as the go to lawyer but someone will pop up to take it.

Remember, no one is willing to take the case for the amount of money they are willing to pay...yet.


jdkeith t1_jb0ysqm wrote

> Hanging signs on the property of another without permission is trespassing.

In one sense the overpasses are owned by all of us. What should have happened is the cops show up and say "take that down." They take it down, and then everyone goes home.