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GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_jaygck6 wrote

Don't go to Merchants Auto... you've been warned


Jay_Derkin t1_jazjjqb wrote

Why? I had a great buying experience with them and got a great vehicle.


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_jb12vgi wrote

I had a terrible buying experience with them and got a car that broke down every few months. Their financing department is also extremely predatory.


Jay_Derkin t1_jb14fs5 wrote

A vehicle breaking down every few months doesn’t sound like a dealer issue though, that sounds like you may think dealers have a crystal ball and know what cars will break down in the future even though they have no issues now. Not trying to be a dick with that either, I just don’t know how else to put it. I’d be more upset at the car manufacturer for making a lousy product.

As for the other points you listed, I didn’t have to deal with predatory financing as I could afford what I wanted, but that’s shitty if what you say is true.