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NewEnglandBlueberry OP t1_jdecreb wrote

What would you expect to happen if you joined a gated community and started using their pool, golfing on their course, booking parties in their activity rooms etc. and then refused to pay your fees? Would you whine about how they're stealing from you while you get evicted?


Crepe_Cod t1_jdemzyx wrote

The FSP is like if they joined a gated community and whined about the fees. Then they get all their friends to also join the gated community so one day they can vote to cut all the fees and let all the amenities and infrastructure go to shit. Then inevitably the shared road will fall apart and break someone's suspension, and the solution will be "well if you wanted to use the road you should have fixed it yourself"


NewEnglandBlueberry OP t1_jdeoetr wrote

Then if someone does fix it they'll start demanding a fee higher than the original and claim it as a great victory for the free market. Meanwhile the people who originally lived there have been forced to move away because it's become too expensive to live there.