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DeerFlyHater t1_jcqvp9e wrote

Interesting. I've never heard of the airline, but I've been in and out of RDU a few times. It's a nice little airport and pretty convenient to get in and out of.

I wonder why RDU to MHT though? Seems kind of random.


xixi2 OP t1_jcrb5el wrote

Yeah I have no idea. As someone from NH who is snowbirding near Raleigh it was so random to see this. RDU must have just barely added this airline too. When I first got here it was not there and now it is in the terminal with SW and Spirit.

I'm now tempted to buy a house in both places because the worst part of flying from NH is there's nearly no direct flights to where you actually want to be. Avelo doesn't have that bad reviews but once they gets their legs and some market share will they devolve to Spirit level service? I dunno


[deleted] t1_jcsvvbz wrote

Why RDU to MHT? Simple. They don’t fly to BOS and they wanted to add service to the Boston area. BOS charges high fees. They’re a low cost airline with only 15 planes.

I guess the question is, why MHT over PVD? My guess is that MHT is probably pretty desperate to get more business, so it doesn’t die a slow death like ORH is currently. Also, it’s a differentiating factor. They’re the only ones flying this route now. Southwest already does PVD to RDU. Moreover, any new destination for a pitiful airport like MHT gets noticed.


[deleted] t1_jcsvyjo wrote

Good god it must be nice to be a rich boomer. You’re really gonna buy a house because you can avoid a 90 minute bus ride from Logan now? Just drop $500k just like that? Fuck you.


xixi2 OP t1_jct7q1c wrote

I mean could I technically? Probably but yeah idk if it's the best deployment of money and I was kinda exagerating but the winter here in NC sure was nice and mild. Also i'm 35 tho lol....


Crunk_NH t1_jctlfkf wrote

First, calling someone a boomer is such a lazy insult. At least put some effort into it. Second, you likely have no idea of their age. Third, instead of being jealous and complaining, maybe instead put that effort into bettering yourself so that you can reach a level of wealth that will enable you to own multiple houses.


petergriffin999 t1_jcu210i wrote

Jealousy is such an ugly look.

While I suppose having a negative opinion if someone got their funds by swindling people or some other crime, I have never understood the hatred of the financially successful.