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bigdog24681012 t1_je02x56 wrote

They chose to employ the surgeon with the highest malpractice rate in the country., then disciplined any colleague who spoke up about him. My dad is dead now because of this man.


Double-Abalone7052 t1_je07pp9 wrote

I’m so sorry, Exeter Hospital killed my mother, they also employ people they don’t bother background checking. One of their employees gave like 100 people hepatitis because he was shooting up their drugs and then shooting them up with saline.


applegeek101 t1_je088ft wrote

That was a travel nurse who did that. Hospitals doesn’t do background checks for travelers, it’s the agencies that hire them that do. Also, background checks don’t help if you’ve never been caught


Double-Abalone7052 t1_je0dj3y wrote

He had been caught and fired from multiple hospitals for a drug diversion. I’m not sure how much traveling he was doing he was at Exeter for a while.


George_GeorgeGlass t1_je0wkx9 wrote

He was a traveler. The previous hospitals where he worked did not report his behavior. They had no way of knowing. Hate to break it to you but if someone is intent on doing harm they figure out how to do it. Regardless of what safeguards we put in place


George_GeorgeGlass t1_jed1eos wrote

He wasn’t a radiology tech. I have close intimate knowledge. This article is full of non truths. But what is the point of the article? It doesn’t in any way say they the hospital could have known. His history wasn’t reported. Not sure what else there is to say.


bigdog24681012 t1_je08l2g wrote

I remember that Hepatitis male nurse… we had an issue with Exeter ER and my daughter. They are not set up to treat pediatric emergencies. I’m so sorry for your loss


George_GeorgeGlass t1_je0ws89 wrote

They do background checks. Background checks don’t help if previous employers don’t report behavior problems.


9BigDuke9 t1_je0o56y wrote

Check out Charles Cullen, pbly the most prolific serial killer ever, who was a nurse


take7pieces t1_je2kri2 wrote

I am so sorry. Thank you for sharing this information.