twosunsyzygy t1_jbenvum wrote
Black Heritage Trail NH does a guided tour about her in Portsmouth and the Portsmouth Historical Society has hosted guided tours about historical women in Portsmouth and Ona Judge is a topic during this tour as well.
occasional_cynic t1_jbeo3q4 wrote
That is interesting. Thank you. But are the people there still pushing the 1619 project?
twosunsyzygy t1_jbfe463 wrote
I'm not really familiar with that. I did one of the tours before the pandemic.
FluffyBunnyIsntHappy t1_jbk8wop wrote
What’s wrong with the 1619 project? I’m not familiar with it.
No_Suggestion_8234 t1_jbl0fd8 wrote
I don't know why you're getting downvoted
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