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RedLeafRoy t1_jbffm6v wrote

the pronoun thing is the ritual of a religion. Not everyone belongs to that religion or chooses to participate. Other natural rights come into play as well. Freedom of speech, thought, religion.


Consus t1_jbfhnsl wrote

Lmao thinking religion owns fucking pronouns. Do the banks own adverbs?


RedLeafRoy t1_jbfi4fz wrote

that's called a straw man.

This new use of existing pronouns as well as the invention of new pronouns is religious. Also note that it is contrary to the belief and practice of represented religions with 1000s of years of history (of those particular behaviors and beliefs).


Paper_Disastrous t1_jbfmdue wrote

What is religion?


RedLeafRoy t1_jbfyxsp wrote

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, for example


Paper_Disastrous t1_jbfzmeg wrote

Not examples, I mean, what do you think religion is? Define it.


RedLeafRoy t1_jbg14cz wrote

"religion, human beings’ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence. It is also commonly regarded as consisting of the way people deal with ultimate concerns about their lives and their fate after death. In many traditions, this relation and these concerns are expressed in terms of one’s relationship with or attitude toward gods or spirits; in more humanistic or naturalistic forms of religion, they are expressed in terms of one’s relationship with or attitudes toward the broader human community or the natural world. In many religions, texts are deemed to have scriptural status, and people are esteemed to be invested with spiritual or moral authority. Believers and worshippers participate in and are often enjoined to perform devotional or contemplative practices such as prayer, meditation, or particular rituals. Worship, moral conduct, right belief, and participation in religious institutions are among the constituent elements of the religious life."


Paper_Disastrous t1_jbg47bm wrote

Thanks......So what the fuck does that have to do with pronouns? No one worships pronouns. Of all the priests and pastors getting arrested for child molestation on a daily fucking basis, not a single one has been the head of a pronoun church. There's nothing holy or sacred about a pronoun. So gtfo with this stupid bullshit argument, you wet fart.


RedLeafRoy t1_jbg7dgn wrote

Pronouns are for them a ritual. It's related to right belief, moral conduct, and community participation. The associated belief system checks all the boxes for Britannica's definition of a religion. -particularly a humanistic religion.


Paper_Disastrous t1_jbgks7w wrote

By your very loose understanding of the definition, and reality, anything could be a religion.


RedLeafRoy t1_jbgldvl wrote

Brittanica's is a very mainstream definition. Words have meaning. If it checks all the boxes then it can be properly called a religion.

No. Everything could not be called a religion.


Consus t1_jbfuf63 wrote

Language is dynamic and is always changing. None of the pronouns you use today were around when the Bible was written.

Also please explain how religion gets to have ownership of language


RedLeafRoy t1_jbfyd7k wrote

religion gets ownership of they way they choose to use their own language. It can be part of ritual, and they don't have to participate in your religion.


TheodoeBhabrot t1_jbfsmol wrote

So which is it, can’t use pronouns because can’t be forced to adhere to religion or can’t use pronouns because people should be forced to adhere to religions?


RedLeafRoy t1_jbfyj62 wrote

I suspect a false dilemma so you would have to show a case in real life


TheodoeBhabrot t1_jbfyniz wrote

This isn’t a false dilemma these are both things you’ve said that contradict each other


RedLeafRoy t1_jbg2mr0 wrote

well then you would have to explain what you think contradicts each other


TheodoeBhabrot t1_jbg2wwf wrote

You can’t both being against religion being forced on people and be for forcing region on people


RedLeafRoy t1_jbg7tui wrote

I'm not for forcing religion on people.


TheodoeBhabrot t1_jbgcl00 wrote

Then why bring up that it goes against “1000 year old religions”? Since by your own admission that shouldn’t be a factorn


RedLeafRoy t1_jbgk1as wrote

It's relevant because parents may want to know if their child is taking part in the rituals of a different religion.


livefreethendie t1_jbhwvrv wrote

But that is not allowed to be the school's responsibility because the school -as a government entity paid for by tax payer dollars- strictly has to not be religious in any way. That includes 1000 year old religions just as much as whatever you think these parents are concerned about.

If the parents just want to know what's going on in their childrens lives it is their responsibility to develop that relationship and just ask the kids themselves.


barnabasthedog t1_jbfy6wq wrote

Please explain to us how the new use existing pronouns is religious .


RedLeafRoy t1_jbg0ggs wrote

Simply put - In my view the pronoun thing is part of a religious world view that is quite new, and adherents of classical religions tend to disagree. I mean to say it doesn't even fit into their world view.


exhaustedretailwench t1_jbfoim5 wrote

pronouns are just a particle of speech to substitute for a noun, noun-phrase, or proper-noun.


RedLeafRoy t1_jbfzclw wrote

if that were true then there would never be offense, outrage, cancellation, legal action, criminal charges etc for the claimed wrong usage.


1carus_x t1_jbg54tc wrote

Have you never heard of harassment or hate speech?


CheliceraeJones t1_jbg3ax1 wrote

Come on guys, stop bullying u/RedLeafRoy. She's upset and we should respect her opinion on pronouns.


RedLeafRoy t1_jbg3ijl wrote

I'm not upset. Some of it is an interesting exchange.


CheliceraeJones t1_jbg5630 wrote

I'm sorry, that was terribly chauvinistic of me to swoop in like a white knight to defend m'lady's honor. You're a grown woman and you can defend yourself. Also happy Women's Day!


1carus_x t1_jbg4nri wrote

Everyone has pronouns they came free w your xbox