Submitted by kitchinsink t3_11lztpb in newhampshire
ProlapsedMasshole t1_jbf6ky4 wrote
The parental rights bill is so fucking stupid.
If your kid changes their name or pronouns at school and they haven't already told you then requiring the school tell you doesn't negate the fact you've already failed as a parent because your kid should be comfortable going to you first.
What purpose does forcing the school tell you serve? So you can now abuse them at home?
Bobtom42 t1_jbfb00k wrote
I'm not saying this isn't important....but if I'm Blackrock Capital, I'm happy this is distracting you from noticing my pillaging.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbfb3si wrote
maybe it has something to do with this-
NH Constitution, Bill of Rights, [Art.] 6. [Morality and Piety.] As morality and piety, rightly grounded on high principles, will give the best and greatest security to government, and will lay, in the hearts of men, the strongest obligations to due subjection; and as the knowledge of these is most likely to be propagated through a society, therefore, the several parishes, bodies, corporate, or religious societies shall at all times have the right of electing their own teachers, and of contracting with them for their support or maintenance, or both. But no person shall ever be compelled to pay towards the support of the schools of any sect or denomination. And every person, denomination or sect shall be equally under the protection of the law; and no subordination of any one sect, denomination or persuasion to another shall ever be established.
June 2, 1784
Amended 1968 to remove obsolete sectarian references.
kitchinsink OP t1_jbfbcrk wrote
Also correct. Culture wars are a distraction from actual problems.
livefreethendie t1_jbfdhwe wrote
So no one should be forced to pay for a religious school got it but what's that got to do with anything here?
Wiked_Pissah t1_jbfehyl wrote
My towns state reps are usually in the bathroom or asleep when it comes time to vote for anything meaningful, like safe drinking water. But this they will likely vote for because they are both bigots with nothing else to do.
Consus t1_jbfejfd wrote
What does that have to do with telling parents if their kids use different pronouns at school?
RedLeafRoy t1_jbff40l wrote
pronouns (mentioned in comment above) etc is part of a religion. Not everyone wants to take part in your rituals.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbffm6v wrote
the pronoun thing is the ritual of a religion. Not everyone belongs to that religion or chooses to participate. Other natural rights come into play as well. Freedom of speech, thought, religion.
Jam5quares t1_jbfg124 wrote
"we" trusted the experts when they told us there were WMDs in Iraq.
"We" trusted the experts when they told us the lab leak theory was simply racists and unplausible.
"We" trusted the experts when they said masks, lockdowns, and sanitizer worked
"We" trusted the experts wheb they told us they were not collecting data on Americans illegally
Should I go on? The statement "Trust the experts" is absolutely backwards, how about the experts earn out trust. We should be holding experts accountable. More often than not, the "experts" are just corrupt and self promoting, and at the end of the day they are humans and make mistakes, in the best case, and are malicious or corrupt in the worst case.
[deleted] t1_jbfh5af wrote
youarelookingatthis t1_jbfhfad wrote
It's quite disturbing how much these Republi-Fascists are focusing on trans and nonbinary children.
[deleted] t1_jbfhfjg wrote
ProlapsedMasshole t1_jbfhlrc wrote
Ah, yes the "society" religion.
This is a dumb take.
Consus t1_jbfhnsl wrote
Lmao thinking religion owns fucking pronouns. Do the banks own adverbs?
RedLeafRoy t1_jbfi4fz wrote
that's called a straw man.
This new use of existing pronouns as well as the invention of new pronouns is religious. Also note that it is contrary to the belief and practice of represented religions with 1000s of years of history (of those particular behaviors and beliefs).
RedLeafRoy t1_jbfi8ua wrote
ah yes dumb (in your estimation) is protected by the NH Const
RedLeafRoy t1_jbfill7 wrote
I understand the use of pronouns over the last 5000 years and how it relates to belief and practice of represented religious groups
ProlapsedMasshole t1_jbfisz1 wrote
It's not because pronouns are not a religious ritual. That's the dumb take.
[deleted] t1_jbfiwh9 wrote
RedLeafRoy t1_jbfjk4g wrote
It is. But even if you take that stance, it's contrary to the belief and practice of established religions well represented in the state.
chain_me_up t1_jbfjuo7 wrote
Can't imagine disagreeing with doctors, psychologists, and health experts on care that has proven time and time again that it is beneficial and much more helpful rather than destructive or corruptive. People really act like someone just decides to remove their child's penis at age 11 when gender-affirmation care is NOT that.
Hormone treatments are also used and supported for many medical issues already existing, heck, I've needed to have extra estrogen since age 14.
Can the politicians focus on things that people actually need fixed like more/cheaper housing, better education, and more accessible health/mental health care ???
Jam5quares t1_jbfjvj1 wrote
I'm not commenting on the bills, I'm commenting on the obtuse and ignorant suggestion to "Trust the experts".
The government, at this point, is virtually indistinguishable from the institutions...acadamia, media, corporations. They are working hand in hand. The "experts" in this space 100% have big governments blessing, we have state officials who feel otherwise.
If you want my comment on the bills, I don't think the government should have any role in this, however as I just pointed out they most certainly do and these bills are the backlash against it. I am more supportive of the second bill, though I would rather have this topic resolved within the cultural sphere.
[deleted] t1_jbfkx49 wrote
ProlapsedMasshole t1_jbflbmd wrote
tronhammer t1_jbflehq wrote
The government != experts.
If that was the case, we would live in a technocracy, which we do not. We live in a democratic republic, which means the loudest and most able to spend to popularize themselves become "leaders". Those are not the people "trust the experts" is saying to trust.
seanwalter54321 t1_jbflken wrote
If anyone is still putting their faith in these “experts” you must’ve been blind and deaf the past 3 years.
Paper_Disastrous t1_jbfmdue wrote
What is religion?
kitchinsink OP t1_jbfmi6s wrote
I'm sorry, is this an argument FOR some random people in Concord to make restrictions on healthcare?
[deleted] t1_jbfmt1c wrote
kitchinsink OP t1_jbfn66s wrote
My point exactly. Doctors, therapists, counselors, etc, all are qualified to deal with this. Not some potato head in Concord.
exhaustedretailwench t1_jbfoim5 wrote
pronouns are just a particle of speech to substitute for a noun, noun-phrase, or proper-noun.
TheodoeBhabrot t1_jbfsduz wrote
It means they just hit their meth pipe before coming on Reddit today
TheodoeBhabrot t1_jbfsmol wrote
So which is it, can’t use pronouns because can’t be forced to adhere to religion or can’t use pronouns because people should be forced to adhere to religions?
Its_me_mikey t1_jbfu534 wrote
I’m listening…
Consus t1_jbfuf63 wrote
Language is dynamic and is always changing. None of the pronouns you use today were around when the Bible was written.
Also please explain how religion gets to have ownership of language
PM_Georgia_Okeefe t1_jbfv6kl wrote
Where in the fuck do you get that pronouns are part of a religion?
YBMExile t1_jbfx5b0 wrote
um, wut?
barnabasthedog t1_jbfy6wq wrote
Please explain to us how the new use existing pronouns is religious .
RedLeafRoy t1_jbfyd7k wrote
religion gets ownership of they way they choose to use their own language. It can be part of ritual, and they don't have to participate in your religion.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbfyj62 wrote
I suspect a false dilemma so you would have to show a case in real life
TheodoeBhabrot t1_jbfyniz wrote
This isn’t a false dilemma these are both things you’ve said that contradict each other
RedLeafRoy t1_jbfyr5u wrote
yes because ad hominem rules all
RedLeafRoy t1_jbfyxsp wrote
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, for example
RedLeafRoy t1_jbfzclw wrote
if that were true then there would never be offense, outrage, cancellation, legal action, criminal charges etc for the claimed wrong usage.
Paper_Disastrous t1_jbfzmeg wrote
Not examples, I mean, what do you think religion is? Define it.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbg0ggs wrote
Simply put - In my view the pronoun thing is part of a religious world view that is quite new, and adherents of classical religions tend to disagree. I mean to say it doesn't even fit into their world view.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbg14cz wrote
"religion, human beings’ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence. It is also commonly regarded as consisting of the way people deal with ultimate concerns about their lives and their fate after death. In many traditions, this relation and these concerns are expressed in terms of one’s relationship with or attitude toward gods or spirits; in more humanistic or naturalistic forms of religion, they are expressed in terms of one’s relationship with or attitudes toward the broader human community or the natural world. In many religions, texts are deemed to have scriptural status, and people are esteemed to be invested with spiritual or moral authority. Believers and worshippers participate in and are often enjoined to perform devotional or contemplative practices such as prayer, meditation, or particular rituals. Worship, moral conduct, right belief, and participation in religious institutions are among the constituent elements of the religious life."
RedLeafRoy t1_jbg2mr0 wrote
well then you would have to explain what you think contradicts each other
RedLeafRoy t1_jbg2uhr wrote
This thread, for example, is dripping with religious zeal
TheodoeBhabrot t1_jbg2wwf wrote
You can’t both being against religion being forced on people and be for forcing region on people
CheliceraeJones t1_jbg3ax1 wrote
Come on guys, stop bullying u/RedLeafRoy. She's upset and we should respect her opinion on pronouns.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbg3ijl wrote
I'm not upset. Some of it is an interesting exchange.
Paper_Disastrous t1_jbg47bm wrote
Thanks......So what the fuck does that have to do with pronouns? No one worships pronouns. Of all the priests and pastors getting arrested for child molestation on a daily fucking basis, not a single one has been the head of a pronoun church. There's nothing holy or sacred about a pronoun. So gtfo with this stupid bullshit argument, you wet fart.
1carus_x t1_jbg4nri wrote
Everyone has pronouns they came free w your xbox
1carus_x t1_jbg54tc wrote
Have you never heard of harassment or hate speech?
CheliceraeJones t1_jbg5630 wrote
I'm sorry, that was terribly chauvinistic of me to swoop in like a white knight to defend m'lady's honor. You're a grown woman and you can defend yourself. Also happy Women's Day!
1carus_x t1_jbg5j2z wrote
It was a really great turnout yesterday. Hoping the committees are smart and vote against intersex mutilation and making it easier for abusive parents to be abusive
PM_Georgia_Okeefe t1_jbg669y wrote
You're an odd duck
RedLeafRoy t1_jbg6v1e wrote
every day is Womans' Day
RedLeafRoy t1_jbg7dgn wrote
Pronouns are for them a ritual. It's related to right belief, moral conduct, and community participation. The associated belief system checks all the boxes for Britannica's definition of a religion. -particularly a humanistic religion.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbg7tui wrote
I'm not for forcing religion on people.
BatmansShame t1_jbgboks wrote
I mean, maybe if you made a good point or a solid argument, people would focus on those. But when you make a really dumb point, it’s way more fun to dismiss it and make fun of you
TheodoeBhabrot t1_jbgcl00 wrote
Then why bring up that it goes against “1000 year old religions”? Since by your own admission that shouldn’t be a factorn
shortieXV t1_jbgib90 wrote
This is the worst take I've seen in a long time. It seems your position is that "pronouns are religion". I would encourage you to examine why you frame things this way because from my point of view it means you only see the world as "my religion is default and everything else is some other religion" which makes you sound delusional.
flounder19 t1_jbgjn5a wrote
I think it's also important to bring up that you haven't failed as a parent just because your child tells a teacher about their gender identity before you. There are a lot of different reasons they might make that decision.
But you're definitely a failure of a parent if you reaction to finding out after-the-fact is getting enraged and demanding a law to compel the teacher to tell you before your kid is comfortable doing so.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbgjpxw wrote
You claim it's the worst take, but your analysis is really shallow. It's 2 straw men.
Another person asked my definition of religion. I provided one, and then demonstrated how this belief system checks all the boxes. I don't want to continually have the same conversation here, so please read that if it interests you.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbgk1as wrote
It's relevant because parents may want to know if their child is taking part in the rituals of a different religion.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbgk8dc wrote
I did make a good argument. In comparison itsdumbitsdumbitsdumb seems weak.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbgkf1y wrote
I'm mainstream in real life NH. If you think I'm odd then maybe you should get off reddit, leave the house, and talk to someone.
shortieXV t1_jbgkjo5 wrote
It doesn't interest me because it's a psychotic take and this isn't a straw man because it's an observation not an argument. You stated it's a religion which is clearly false by all common definitions so using your niche bias definition to play semantic dodgeball sounds awful to me. No thanks.
Paper_Disastrous t1_jbgks7w wrote
By your very loose understanding of the definition, and reality, anything could be a religion.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbgl4sr wrote
It's psychotic now? LOL
the pronoun thing is a ritual. The related belief system checks all the boxes of a humanistic religion.
My argument isn't semantics. Words have meanings. If people here say itsnotitsnotitsnot then I get to demonstrate how it fits the definition.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbgldvl wrote
Brittanica's is a very mainstream definition. Words have meaning. If it checks all the boxes then it can be properly called a religion.
No. Everything could not be called a religion.
Consus t1_jbgp01d wrote
Just because you say it doesn't make it true. Pronouns are not a religious ritual. They are words we use in place of someone's name.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbgqd1r wrote
pronouns can be used as a religious ritual and this case is. I've spoken with a lot of NH clergy who agree
Consus t1_jbgs7u4 wrote
Oh well if you and the clergy agree it must be true.
Please explain how pronouns are a ritual. Rituals are ceremonies or rites. How can a word be a ceremony or rite? Be specific. Site examples of pronouns being used as a ritual, since you apparently know the last 5000 years of religious history.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbgthii wrote
words are used in ritual every day. Literally. No exaggeration. -from the liturgy in houses of worship to the every day life of faith. Do you have little or no exposure to religion? Have you heard someone say amen? Peace be with you? And also with you? No?
Consus t1_jbgv8zz wrote
Yes I was raised in a very religious household.
Just because words are used in rituals does not make them rituals or somehow owned by religion. Candles, flowers, clothing, furniture, food. All these things are used in rituals. Does that make them inherently religious? Do Christians own wine because it's used in church every week?
RedLeafRoy t1_jbgx1is wrote
> How can a word be a ceremony or rite?
Since you asked that, I believed you didn't know how a word could be a ceremony or a rite. If you were raised in a very religious household you should know this.
"Just because words are used in rituals does not make them rituals or somehow owned by religion."
That was not your question. So that was not what I was answering. You asked how a word could be a ritual at all.
"Candles, flowers, clothing, furniture, food. All these things are used in rituals. Does that make them inherently religious?"
No, and that was never my argument. My argument for hours now has always been the same- The new way that pronouns are used is part of a belief system and religion.
If you use flowers in a religious way, it's religious. If you use food in a ritual, it's a ritual.
shortieXV t1_jbgxhvu wrote
If your clergy agree with this it suggests they are using rhetoric as a tool to isolate you and make you dependent on them for community by "othering" differing view points. I recommend getting out while you can before you find yourself entirely dependent on the clergy for any thoughts or community you have.
b1ack1323 t1_jbgxlqs wrote
Separation of church and state supersedes whatever stupid shit you are trying to push.
Also, Atheism is protected under established religions.
BatmansShame t1_jbgza5y wrote
Your argument is that pronouns are religious in nature. This is a dumb argument, and that’s why people are making fun of you.
BatmansShame t1_jbgzi5v wrote
I talk to lots of people, just not religious fruitcakes like you (who are VERY much in the minority in secular New Hampshire)
Consus t1_jbgzszv wrote
If that's what you have been trying to say, you've done a terrible job of explaining it.
I'll make it easy for you though, it's not a religion. No one worships trans people or pronouns. Yes beliefs have changed but you're not protected from hearing other people's beliefs.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbh05wi wrote
nope. straw man
BatmansShame t1_jbh1uio wrote
And yet equally as valid as your entirely factually incorrect argument!
averageduder t1_jbh2oxe wrote
Profoundly dumb
averageduder t1_jbh3ud0 wrote
So why would you assume random politicians know better than trained professionals? Also - I’m guessing you’re young - the experts aren’t the ones who said there were wmds in Iraq. It was the neocons in the bush admin.
livefreethendie t1_jbh7fb8 wrote
What religion is that?
Even if that is the case then why make a law saying they have to tell the student's parents?
ThatSoloTaco t1_jbh8e9h wrote
Experts like World Professional Association for Transgender Health Standard of Care? Who have been around for about 40 years, and have a standard of care document with cited sources that just got updated last year.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbh8xze wrote
child's parents might belong to a different religion and want to know
RedLeafRoy t1_jbh90yt wrote
yeah profound is the worst kind of ad hominem.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbh94g0 wrote
RedLeafRoy t1_jbh9c3i wrote
parents are allowed to know what beliefs are being taught to their children. And, as I demonstrated, teaching beliefs in public schools is illegal.
RedLeafRoy t1_jbh9q0n wrote
So you keep insisting. It's not true.
But you can keep saying it on Reddit if it makes you feel better.
kitchinsink OP t1_jbhbgz1 wrote
Yes.chef's kiss
Hardmeat_McLargehuge t1_jbhcccb wrote
Come back on your main and run your mouth, otherwise you’re just a coward projecting your own insecurities
rudyattitudedee t1_jbhgf6e wrote
I think morality and piety have to do with wearing pants to school not trying to give handies in the bathroom but ok.
livefreethendie t1_jbhgj5y wrote
Different from what? Which religion has the pronouns?
Informing the parent doesn't take any religion out of the school or release anyone from being forced to pay for that public school so what does that citation have to do with this new proposal?
ralettar t1_jbhhm9p wrote
Children should not be mutilated in the name of “gender affirming care.”
kitchinsink OP t1_jbhj6w6 wrote
Oh, I'm sorry. Has your child been mutilated in some way?
averageduder t1_jbhj866 wrote
> pronouns (mentioned in comment above) etc is part of a religion
you know the rhetorical arguments only really work when you're staying above the fray.
the_nobodys t1_jbhriti wrote
What exactly are you referring to? Because what it sounds like is misinformed nonsense, sort of like if you were to say, "mothers should not be mutilated in the name of 'prenatal care'."
thenagain11 t1_jbhrtk8 wrote
My tonsils were removed at age 3 - was I mutilated? No. I received necessary medical care. If a doctor, psychologist, and parents all feel this is medically the best choice for the welfare of a kid after years of treatment- who the hell are you to give your opinion. Most surgerys aren't even done until teen years or after, and not for years after a person has been living in their new gender and receiving regular therapy.
livefreethendie t1_jbhwvrv wrote
But that is not allowed to be the school's responsibility because the school -as a government entity paid for by tax payer dollars- strictly has to not be religious in any way. That includes 1000 year old religions just as much as whatever you think these parents are concerned about.
If the parents just want to know what's going on in their childrens lives it is their responsibility to develop that relationship and just ask the kids themselves.
[deleted] t1_jbi9ck8 wrote
smartest_kobold t1_jbisd2d wrote
They own both parties. They don't need the did and pony show.
CrunchyCrunch816 t1_jbiuevg wrote
More trans suicides. Fuck conservative trash
vscduebr t1_jbj0vls wrote
getting your tonsils taken out is a bit different than getting your breasts cut off.
thenagain11 t1_jbj1ifr wrote
Only bc it is being framed that way. People get breast reductions and mastectomies all the time. It's not called it mutilation. It is called an operation.
Round-Employ-9626 t1_jbj3at8 wrote
This is a waste of time IMHO. 1. No medical mutilation of minors (gender affirming care should never alter the body of a minor before there is a fully developed frontal cortex). 2. No compelled speech (you may choose your pronoun, but you cannot compel others to refer to you by a pronoun that is not factual). Frankly I couldn't care less about the rest of the idiocy.
vscduebr t1_jbj43sm wrote
It’s almost like they are trying to protect underdeveloped brains that are still maturing. If you look back to when you were young, how many stupid decisions did you make and look back now and think? “wow that was a dumb decision, I regret that.” Do a tiny bit of research and read about how many MINORS and those into their early 20’s are regretting what they’ve done to their bodies and how they feel they were mislead by the “doctors” and “professionals.”
Or maybe take a trip over to r/detrans
A simple disturbing fact is the amount of money that these surgeons who are working “for the greater good” are profitting serious cash either through independently funded surgeries or partially or fully funded surgeries by insurances. All the presidents of ‘World Professional Association for Transgender Health’ that I researched are all practicing surgeons during their presidency. They are pushing their agenda and profitting the entire time under the guise of supporting a good cause.
youarelookingatthis t1_jbj6266 wrote
Be gone TERF!
vscduebr t1_jbjbdd4 wrote
Feel free to do whatever you want to your body once you’ve got bearings on your own life. Leave the kids out of it, Nice response pal 🥶
YBMExile t1_jbjgubh wrote
These bills have absolutely NOTHING to do with healthcare in terms of drugs or surgery for gender affirming care. And I think you know that.
John_th_Faptist t1_jbjhuov wrote
The simple fact is that all this bill does is make it so that a child that believes or feels that they are trans cannot undergo any medical procedures until they be come a legal adult. Considering that a human brain doesn't finish completely developing until around 19-21 I don't think that's really that a terrible idea.
Scone_Witch t1_jbji80v wrote
This article, referencing a Dutch study from 2022, gives a regret rate for puberty blockers of 1%. That's amazingly low when it comes to medical treatments.
Also did you deadass link a DAILYMAIL article for proof??? Smh
kitchinsink OP t1_jbjkbi3 wrote
That's not what the bill reads.
It's not limiting children from having sexual reassignment surgery, its limiting them from *any* treatment not aligned to their present gender. It bans gender dysphoria and pretends it is nonexistent.
Children and teens receive this sort of care all the time. They're just banning anyone from being trans before they are an adult. That's barbaric. You wouldn't have banned me from taking testosterone blockers and progesterone for my hormone issues when I was a teen, why ban children with gender dysphoria from doing so under the watchful eyes of doctors and therapists?
And sure, surgery on a child is a stretch, but how many times has that happened? 56. 56 times. "The Komodo analysis of insurance claims found 56 genital surgeries among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021." That's nationally. That is an absolutely microscopic number of people.
Wanna ban that? Whatever, make a bill for it. Don't ban normal healthcare for children that has already been occurring for a while. That's fucked.
23 times MORE children are killed by guns each year than have had sexual reassignment surgery, and we don't legislate those away now do we.
ralettar t1_jbjkldw wrote
Oh I’m sorry do you have reading comprehension problems too?
ralettar t1_jbjkqnh wrote
I’m referring to the bills in question, as opposed to the fantasies you’ve invented in your retard brain.
kitchinsink OP t1_jbjl4kz wrote
No, but you do. You didn't read the bill.
ralettar t1_jbjlhzm wrote
Did you have your brain removed too? Because that’s the stupidest comparison I’ve ever heard.
ralettar t1_jbjm1uo wrote
From the third paragraph “The proposals before New Hampshire lawmakers include bills to restrict access to gender-affirming care and to classify such care as child abuse.”
ralettar t1_jbjm4cm wrote
“The proposals before New Hampshire lawmakers include bills to restrict access to gender-affirming care and to classify such care as child abuse.”
kitchinsink OP t1_jbjma5t wrote
I'm a biological woman, who continues to be so, who received gender affirming care in my teens for hormonal issues, like many other teens.
Not something to be legislated against.
If they wanted to ban children from having surgery, they should've made that the bill, not banning trans kids from existing.
YBMExile t1_jbjnuo8 wrote
But it's like a bill saying "the school nurse shall not be allowed to perform brain surgery". In other words, a solution without a problem, if you're talking about mutilation. Schools aren't mutilating children.
the_nobodys t1_jbk471s wrote
I think the person you're replying to is ignorant of the type of gender-affirming care that trans youth receive, and would prefer to remain ignorant on the subject. To them, there's no difference between the words benign and harmful.
Back in the 80's certain people were afraid that children playing Dungeons and Dragons meant they were worshipping Satan. It's the same kind of wilful ignorance.
Proncus t1_jbkmku6 wrote
If our motto is live free or die, I guess theyre choosing "die" for us.
kitchinsink OP t1_jblaq2g wrote
They are, and it's not cool. It's barbaric.
ralettar t1_jblnx61 wrote
You should stay away from children altogether. How does that sound? Because when you push for child abuse you get the same treatment as child abusers.
ralettar t1_jblo1w8 wrote
I know exactly what they want to do to children and I’m very happy classifying that activity as child abuse.
ralettar t1_jblo7l4 wrote
Then you have nothing to worry about
YBMExile t1_jbloeaw wrote
But you haven’t been able to articulate how this is mutilation.
kitchinsink OP t1_jblp37b wrote
Cute. I'm done with this conversation since you're gonna be nasty.
triestdain t1_jbn5jjm wrote
Wow. The smarts on you. So there are laws in place to force the schools to tell parents if a child identifies as a certain religion in schools?
triestdain t1_jbn6f9a wrote
Teaching and promoting a singular belief is 'illegal'. Teaching about beliefs in general is absolutely legal my friend. World Mythology and World Religions are a common class in highschool. For decades.
There are no current laws that force schools to tell a parent if thier child is claiming to be part of a certain religion.
If your claim is true. A law for that and not specifically about pronouns should be pass. Correct?
RedLeafRoy t1_jbnrtdc wrote
army of strawmen vs one match
RedLeafRoy t1_jbnrwz0 wrote
you self-refuted in the 1st sentence
ClariNerd617 t1_jby1mdl wrote
So you agree that circumcision should be banned?
kitchinsink OP t1_jbf3619 wrote
Ignoring my actual feelings on this, Both the senate and house bills on this are garbage.
Senate Bill: "Parents bill of rights" broad crappy thing, like Florida.
House Bill: "No, you can't have any kind of gender affirming care except therapy under 18".
How about we leave that to the doctors, counselors, researchers, and not some clowns in Concord, thanks.
Edit: Removing "experts" because some of y'all really wanna get that big authoritarian govt D by letting them legislate things that don't need to be legislated, all because you're big mad you were asked to wear a mask and not be gross.
Yes. There are experts. They study really hard for a really long time and there are plenty of trustworthy experts. Government != Experts.