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[deleted] t1_jdde5lc wrote

Stop thinking your feelings on a topic are facts instead use your head and understand your born what you are and cannot change that there’s nothing around that.


Wiked_Pissah t1_jddexb2 wrote

What does it matter to you anyways? Let someone else believe what they want to believe. Are you really losing sleep because someone wants to be a different gender? How about minding your own fucking business and let others live their lives without you in it?


[deleted] t1_jdetgov wrote

I don’t give two shits I’m just stating a fact have fun in your fairytale imagination


Wiked_Pissah t1_jdf0317 wrote

It's quite apparent you don't give 2 shits. But thank you for making my point about bigots!


[deleted] t1_jdf0aou wrote



Wiked_Pissah t1_jdf1fx5 wrote

Lmao or imagine thinking you are such a whining nationalist bigot that your very manhood is threatened by someone else saying they are a woman. Newsflash champ- no one is gonna look at you in the John, guaranteed.


1carus_x t1_jddollj wrote

You are born a baby yeah, but not everyone stays one. Just because you never grew past that stage doesn't mean we're all stuck there