Mynewadventures t1_jblrqhr wrote
Awesome article. These pigs swear to uphold the Constitution and then advocate stepping all over it, and then whine about "them drugs!
That pig Wilbur (I just got that as I wrote it!) as quoted in the article is a real piece of shit.
DeerFlyHater OP t1_jblsg96 wrote
Yeah, some real POSs brought up in this article. Infuriating that there is little accountability other maybe getting fired.
Mynewadventures t1_jblxbp8 wrote
Niether of the two pigs showcased in the article were fired, they got other jobs in different departments within the State Police!!!
One (it may have even been Wilbur - I don't remember) has recently been promoted to sergeant!
DeerFlyHater OP t1_jbly66s wrote
Yeah, it's bullshit. I think one got promoted too.
What makes it even worse IMO is this is supposedly the state police and not some rogue group of city cops. State cops are generally supposed to be a bit 'better'.
Mynewadventures t1_jbm1amu wrote
Yeah, they are the most professional pigs. They don't get flustered when they are abusing citizens.
stingray_76 t1_jbmeptc wrote
These units only exist for revenue generation not for law enforcement
SillyIce t1_jbmfg6q wrote
Vomitus_The_Emetic t1_jbml542 wrote
>Judges or prosecutors threw out at least 17 vehicle stops the unit made between late 2016 and early 2020 because of illegal searches and seizures, including five by Berky and six by Wilber. More than half involved cars with Black or Latino occupants.
Wiked_Pissah t1_jbmqv5u wrote
No one was stupid enough to think there were no corrupt cops in NH, right? I mean parts of the state might as well be Mayberry but still.
Viking603 t1_jbo5lmm wrote
Don't trust cops and the govt that support them.
Take Litchfield, their police chief has been on paid leave for 15 months. Nice vacation.
reddittheguy t1_jbp7mub wrote
David Ellis in Troy is a great example.
1/6, Trump signs in police station, Laurie list. Still employed.
MyNameIsNurse t1_jblpzdd wrote