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Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_je2gwnd wrote

Just because it is not a law, does not mean that no one will do it. If it is the cost/ being covered by insurance that is another issue.

I would think that with your history, there should be someone who would consider this a medical necessity.


salty_worms OP t1_je2hbqc wrote

My mom asked about procedures when she was my age too, she was the same way but there wasnt BC back then. She didnt want to become steril but wjen she asked what could be done they refused to help her at all due to her fertility. Times have changed so hopefully i can find domekne but a lot of my friends have parents who are nurses or doctors, they all say it doesnt matter how bad my period is or how horrible BC ruins my mental health, sterilazation isnt an option for 18 year olds. Plus in CA it is illegal to electivly sterilize a women untill she is 21


kpyna t1_je2ub7s wrote

Do you know about the the wiki on r/childfree? It has an unbelievably long list of doctors in every state that will perform sterilization without asking many questions.

There are also notes from people who had the procedure done with a certain doctor (such as - this doctor will not sterilize anyone under 21, they asked me 0 questions and just scheduled me, etc)


KrissaKray t1_je6p84x wrote

Not to go TMI but I suffer from adenomyosis and the only CURE for it is a hysterectomy. I don't want to rule out having kids and was informed that IUDs are (albeit temporary) a treatment you can seek out to have done until you can find a doctor who will follow through with your wishes.


salty_worms OP t1_je6q523 wrote

I dont want an IUD they are very oaingul to put in


KrissaKray t1_je6qf7a wrote

That's your prerogative but to put it into perspective, 30 seconds of pain imo beats the weeks of godawful cycles. Surgery hurts too. Also, if you get the right doc for IUDs, they can give you something beyond OTC meds for pain.


salty_worms OP t1_je6qo8p wrote

Ive done 3 types of BC and i dont like them. Im done with synthetic hormons and i have such an intense fear of pregnancy, id kill myself if i got pregnant. IUDs arnt 100% at preventing pregnancy. I want the ablasion so no kids, no periods amd no hormones


KrissaKray t1_je6uu7z wrote

There are non hormonal IUDs though but you’re right. The only thing that’s 100% is a complete hysterectomy