Submitted by salty_worms t3_1252msm in newhampshire
I looked at like so many websights for bill tracking, and everytime I tried to find an atrical on the bill it just came up with forced sterilazation in NH. One thing i found on legiscan was that on 03-23-2023 the motion was adopted by the house. And NH residence know anything else? Im not sure how trustworthy legiscan is because I couldnt find anything like that on other websights.
DeerFlyHater t1_je2awn5 wrote
Looks like it was pretty much unanimously squashed.
Committee report 20-0 ITL
From the 16 March calendar:
HB 277, relative to patients’ right to sterilization treatment. INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE. Rep. Erica Layon for Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs. The committee agreed that adult women should not be denied sterilization on the grounds that the doctor knew better than the woman that she would want children in the future. This is all too common and a problem that must be addressed, however the members of the committee opposed this bill for various reasons. Some objected to mandating insurance coverage of a procedure in the patient’s bill of rights. Others objected to adding individual procedures to the intentionally broad patient’s bill of rights. Others were concerned that a surgeon’s right of conscience could be put at risk, and that language to address this shortcoming would make the bill useless. Due to these numerous concerns, the committee would welcome a new approach to this pressing concern. Vote 20-0.
Tabled via a vote of 367-8 on 2/23/2023
It's not dead-yet, but it might as well be. The gist I'm getting is it was a poorly written bill. You can likely find the committee hearing online as well as the session. Key dates to look for would be in the link below. Seems like a lot of information came up in the hearing to lead to the various opinion in the executive session on that bill.