Submitted by t3_1252msm in newhampshire

I looked at like so many websights for bill tracking, and everytime I tried to find an atrical on the bill it just came up with forced sterilazation in NH. One thing i found on legiscan was that on 03-23-2023 the motion was adopted by the house. And NH residence know anything else? Im not sure how trustworthy legiscan is because I couldnt find anything like that on other websights.



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t1_je2awn5 wrote

Looks like it was pretty much unanimously squashed.

Committee report 20-0 ITL

From the 16 March calendar:
HB 277, relative to patients’ right to sterilization treatment. INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE. Rep. Erica Layon for Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs. The committee agreed that adult women should not be denied sterilization on the grounds that the doctor knew better than the woman that she would want children in the future. This is all too common and a problem that must be addressed, however the members of the committee opposed this bill for various reasons. Some objected to mandating insurance coverage of a procedure in the patient’s bill of rights. Others objected to adding individual procedures to the intentionally broad patient’s bill of rights. Others were concerned that a surgeon’s right of conscience could be put at risk, and that language to address this shortcoming would make the bill useless. Due to these numerous concerns, the committee would welcome a new approach to this pressing concern. Vote 20-0.

Tabled via a vote of 367-8 on 2/23/2023

It's not dead-yet, but it might as well be. The gist I'm getting is it was a poorly written bill. You can likely find the committee hearing online as well as the session. Key dates to look for would be in the link below. Seems like a lot of information came up in the hearing to lead to the various opinion in the executive session on that bill.



OP t1_je2f0ak wrote

That sucks that it was squashed. Im 17 and was looking at NH as my hope to become steril when im 18. Without birthcontrol i bleed nonstop, all day every day. Ive been on BC for 4 years and it sucks. I just wanted an ablasion so I wont have periods and I can stop my BC. I also dont want kids and am terrified of being pregnant.


t1_je2gwnd wrote

Just because it is not a law, does not mean that no one will do it. If it is the cost/ being covered by insurance that is another issue.

I would think that with your history, there should be someone who would consider this a medical necessity.


OP t1_je2hbqc wrote

My mom asked about procedures when she was my age too, she was the same way but there wasnt BC back then. She didnt want to become steril but wjen she asked what could be done they refused to help her at all due to her fertility. Times have changed so hopefully i can find domekne but a lot of my friends have parents who are nurses or doctors, they all say it doesnt matter how bad my period is or how horrible BC ruins my mental health, sterilazation isnt an option for 18 year olds. Plus in CA it is illegal to electivly sterilize a women untill she is 21


t1_je2mhoe wrote

I am lucky I got mine a few years ago before we became breeding cattle. I got my procedure done at Dartmouth in Lebanon, but I heard they're no longer doing it. You can always double check, but I am sure there is an ob that can point you in the right direction.


t1_je2u597 wrote

I was expecting a huge ordeal, but I just spoke to my doctor and let her know that I didn't want children and that this is something I have known for a long time. I was expecting to have to speak with a therapist, but my doctor listened, understood, and scheduled the surgery. It's the best thing that ever happened to me and I wish I could have done it sooner.

I hope that, if you're completely sure about it, you can find a willing doctor without having to travel thousands of miles across an ocean. 😁


t1_je2ub7s wrote

Do you know about the the wiki on r/childfree? It has an unbelievably long list of doctors in every state that will perform sterilization without asking many questions.

There are also notes from people who had the procedure done with a certain doctor (such as - this doctor will not sterilize anyone under 21, they asked me 0 questions and just scheduled me, etc)


t1_je3e9ao wrote

> got my procedure done at Dartmouth in Lebanon, but I heard they're no longer doing it.

Whether or not they'll perform it on a 18 year old is a different question, but they certainly perform the procedure on some.


OP t1_je57syo wrote

I live in CA, i did call my doctor yesturday to ask about it but I could only get ahold of the advice nurse. He seemed supportive even though im 17. Ive seen some sources saying in CA a women needs to be 21, others saying she needs to be 18. A doctor will call me back at some point to disscuss it more, ive been saving for this since I was 16 and have been wanting it since I was 13.


t1_je58p4i wrote

OP I see you want an ablation. I had one for a similar reason(heavy bleeding and severe cramps..turns out my uterus was diseased) but it wasn't an easy process to get it. I had to try all sorts of other methods first such as multiple types of birth control and d&c procedures first before they finally did a ablation as a last ditch attempt to avoid doing a hysterectomy on me at such a young age


t1_je58wou wrote

Just because it's not mandated to be covered by insurance doesn't mean it's illegal or that no insurance will cover it. Pretty sure you can find a doctor who will perform the procedure, especially given your condition.


OP t1_je5b4i3 wrote

Im 17. Blead for almkst a year straight, 24/7 when i was 13. Started hormonal BC at 14 and been on it pretty much ever since. I hate my mood swings from it amd the constant irritability and suicidal ideation. Ive tried 3 different kinds and the couple times i whent off bc for a few months i blead nonstop. The first 2 BC didnt control the bleeding very good. They did an ultrasound last july as well as a CMP. Nothing wrong. When i was 16 they did a THS (or TSH i cant remember) and a CMP. Everything is normal, there is no cause for bleeding.


t1_je5vyf5 wrote

OP I talked with Ellen Read, the rep that created the bill and she told me that they will revamp the language in the bill and this time next year will be the hearing where everyone can testify again. A Republican rep was the one who saved the bill from being killed while the dems were okay with letting it die. Kinda interesting


t1_je6p84x wrote

Not to go TMI but I suffer from adenomyosis and the only CURE for it is a hysterectomy. I don't want to rule out having kids and was informed that IUDs are (albeit temporary) a treatment you can seek out to have done until you can find a doctor who will follow through with your wishes.


t1_je6qf7a wrote

That's your prerogative but to put it into perspective, 30 seconds of pain imo beats the weeks of godawful cycles. Surgery hurts too. Also, if you get the right doc for IUDs, they can give you something beyond OTC meds for pain.


OP t1_je6qo8p wrote

Ive done 3 types of BC and i dont like them. Im done with synthetic hormons and i have such an intense fear of pregnancy, id kill myself if i got pregnant. IUDs arnt 100% at preventing pregnancy. I want the ablasion so no kids, no periods amd no hormones