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golemsheppard2 t1_jbusp3b wrote

Disorderly conduct and assault. You can't scream in someone's face and grab them. Keep your hands to yourself. That's basic preschool shit that even my daughter understands.


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_jbv17sy wrote

I did not see him grab anyone. It looked like he batted away his phone in order to not be recorded. Sorry but there is no reason for an arrest.


golemsheppard2 t1_jbv5pqg wrote

Rewatch the video. He clearly grabs for the guys hand and camera. Keep your hands to yourself. Its not that hard.


dojijosu t1_jbvdrit wrote

This. Plus, even if all he did was bat the camera that’s battery. He was holding the camera, and recording is not illegal and doesn’t constitute a physical threat.