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Darwins_Dog t1_jdn2y50 wrote

This is very good news! Badly needed support for mental healthcare.


snooprob t1_jdn4sz0 wrote

Back to the future… thanks Reagan


dewcew72 t1_jdnftpy wrote

Does anyone know about Hampstead hospital that was bought by the state last year? Apparently it was purchased to handle children’s behavioral health that used to be handled by the state hospital in Concord. It is my understanding that they can’t staff Hampstead and a couple of the wards are closed. I applaud the spending of money for behavioral and mental health. But if we can’t get people to work in already built facilities, how does a new facility help? There is a major problem in leadership within New Hampshire DHHS.


willybitchdoctor t1_jdnp2y2 wrote

Thank god. Mental healthcare in this state is a tragic joke by and large


sunshinenfundip t1_jdo3cbe wrote

I believe the plan is to close (possibly sell) the SYSC campus and move the housing of detained youth there in about 5 years. I haven't heard anything about using it for mental health but I really hope that's true.

the staffing issues are caused, in part, by the pay. They want someone with a bachelors to be content with $16 per hour


comefromawayfan2022 t1_jdptp49 wrote

More beds is a good thing. But they'd better be prepared to pay nurses and other staff a livable wage if they want to get and retain staff