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Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_jdk8gsh wrote

yes it does


diabolical_fuk t1_jdk9ylx wrote



littleirishmaid t1_jdkhnw6 wrote

Kind of defeats the purpose, no?


diabolical_fuk t1_jdkl4n1 wrote

What purpose? The purpose seems to bring clean affordable energy to new Hampshire at a rate lower than eversource. And the area was previously used to harvest trees.


littleirishmaid t1_jdknbcr wrote

Deforestation. What takes in CO2?


TurretLauncher OP t1_jdkry87 wrote

> "In its first year of operation, Keene Meadow Solar will generate enough energy to power 14,000 New Hampshire homes, and avoid CO2 emissions equal to that sequestered by 88,000 acres of forest"