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t1_jc9wlve wrote

They are largely all gone / burned by visitors over the past few years.


t1_jc9x1p0 wrote

Honestly, it’s rather difficult to find anything like that these days. But I have been surprised to find that the dues for the gun clubs in the area are pretty reasonable. And they take care of all the lead that gets pumped into the berms.


t1_jca6h25 wrote

Too many MAssholes have moved up here and spoiled any shooting on public land. Too many complaints from them and the towns cave.

They've tried shutting down a couple of gun ranges but that hasn't worked so far.


t1_jcaj9kz wrote

I wonder why the need to target shoot so often. Once and done, usually to sight your gun. I grew up next door to NH. Maybe during a family gathering we’d spend an hour or so with multiple relatives shooting cans. But there wasn’t this need to shoot on a frequent basis.


t1_jcajbgw wrote

All the good spots have been ruined by people from MA & NY who move to the woods, then get freaked out when they hear gunshots and call the cops.

Used to be as simple as finding some power lines far enough away from houses, but now the cops will show up on you in two seconds and make you leave so they stop getting complaints.

There's still spots up North but no one's gonna share those with anyone. My only advice would be learn how to use GIS software and try to find your own. Or much simpler, just join a club.


OP t1_jcajyhu wrote

I just go to pisgah state park and shoot there I have walked back to my trail and people were walking by and just waved and said hi a encounter like that in Massachusetts would never happen people around here would freak out


OP t1_jcakmhg wrote

Because shooting guns is fun and two I wanna train with the gun I rely on for self defense what a gun good for if you don’t train with it especially a gun that’s for carry / self protection


OP t1_jcal85v wrote

My city is the most dangerous city in Massachusetts which is Springfield we have thugs and teens with glocks with switches on them to make them fully auto murder rate keeps going up every time you hear something crazy happend it’s always topped off by some other crazy that happend it’s a shit whole ok 😂 but ya I carry for protection from those kinds people


OP t1_jcalxwm wrote

Listen you grew up around guns probably your whole life so it’s not a big deal to you I just recently got into firearms 2 years ago so yes I’m one of those because I’m big on preserving my life I’m pretty sure living up in New Hampshire you never had to even lock your doors let alone having to deal with gang members


t1_jcam09m wrote

I didn't, I glanced at your post/comment history as well as noted that you told two people in this thread to fuck off which was widely unprovoked. I don't think you're an internet troll, I think you're a real life troll.


OP t1_jcao0nt wrote

Both those people were dick heads what you mean unprovoked basically telling to fuck off stay in my own state who the fuck are they to tell someone who’s asking a general question to stay where your from do they own New Hampshire no so guess what you can fuck off to now 😄 how about that I told you mutual respect was all that was needed but no people love to be dicks for no reason


OP t1_jcaoodr wrote

Dude because I like different scenery I love guns and the wilderness I can’t shoot on public land in Massachusetts it’s illegal to do so anywhere even if your all alone in the middle of no they’ll try to revoke my license and I’m asking because New Hampshire is a free state where I can shoot on public land so why not explore a little 🤷‍♂️


t1_jcb0g9l wrote

Yes you can do what you want, unless you do what you want in Mass XD

All jokes man. Rules are you gotta be no closer than 600 yards from buildings or houses or roads, so deep in the Forrest is the law, tho some towns have more restrictions.


t1_jcb0ya4 wrote

I Respect that.

Issue is, and I saw this both here and FL, is that people will move in from Mass or Cali or elsewhere saying they hate how the left has ruined their state, but then they for some reason continue voting the same way and slowly ruin their new state as well. That's why people complain about em moving in, it's a generalization. Not personal.


t1_jcbbddb wrote

Yep. My town had the town voting yesterday, and the fuckers for for every big money item. ALL of it.

The only thing they said no to, was expanded hours for the LIBRARY!!! The one item that would have cost the least on the whole list. 🙄


t1_jcevycj wrote

It’s responsible gun ownership to stay familiar with your gun. Along with that things like muscle memory or just practicing benefit from regular target practice. More people should be doing target practice more often but it’s so hard with the lack of available places