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t1_jcdac70 wrote

OP made a sandwich so good that he forgot to ask about the sonic boom until five hours later.


t1_jcdcqnd wrote

Just heard something very similar on east side of Manchester


t1_jcddz4f wrote

Yah wtf was that thought it was an airplane but nothing on any flight trackers

Edit it wasn’t a sonic boom, but 100% sounded like a high performance aircraft low altitude high power settings, thought maybe FedEx down low but nothing


t1_jcdfkjz wrote

I also had flight radar up almost instantly and there was nothing nearby. Sound source was distinctly traveling to the west, not south towards MHT. FedEx and UPS are very good about always showing up on radar. Whatever the noise came from was traveling much faster, but also lingered far longer. Thought it was thunder initially, but it kept resonating and rumbling. Maybe meteorite or other space debris burning up in atmosphere?
Similar reporting in this thread


t1_jcdfkyq wrote

There was a Hercules doing touch and go's last Thursday. Honestly A LOT of military activity in the skies that day. Maybe it came back off the radar? Almost sounded/felt deeper then that though. Now I'm dying to know...


t1_jcdgcxa wrote

I am over near Bethel Maine and I heard some very loud aircraft around that time today. Did you get any good pics of the grilled cheese?


t1_jcdi4to wrote

Wait really???? Orange glow?

I didn’t get afterburner vibes from the sound

Been to enough air shows to have a general idea what it sounds like 🤷‍♂️

I totally think military though. not all show up on ADSB tracking software as lots don’t have ADSB Out equipment


t1_jcdm6lj wrote

I don't know. I was down in Milton being hanmered by snow and a power outage.


t1_jcdmngl wrote

Odd helicopters, what to my untrained eye looked like fighter jets. It's probably all normal?

I think in the last 12 months their was the fatal shooting of someone attempting to break into the facility too.


t1_jcdwzgo wrote

Green Mountain Boys are up in Burlington, but I’d hesitate to assign the noise to a fighter jet; sonic booms aren’t typically allowed over populated areas.


t1_jcdzdov wrote

Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey

>The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey is an American multi-mission, tiltrotor military aircraft with both vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) and short takeoff and landing (STOL) capabilities. It is designed to combine the functionality of a conventional helicopter with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft. In 1980, the failure of Operation Eagle Claw (during the Iran hostage crisis) underscored that there were military roles for which neither conventional helicopters nor fixed-wing transport aircraft were well-suited.

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t1_jcf47vm wrote

Thank you for the detail about the sandwich, it sounds lovely. I’ve not thought about adding 1000 island to a grilled cheese, but might just try that for lunch today.