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[deleted] t1_jdryjp6 wrote


rahnster_wright t1_jds1mom wrote

It's referenced in a handful of the articles and Facebook posts from the perspective of the victims themselves. While the owner hasn't made a public statement, he has apologized directly to the victims. Let me see if I can find a reference.

The business closed this week, not in 2022. Although he has been increasingly less involved as he has let Roots take over the space.

Edit: I don't know how to share screenshots, but there are several relevant posts on one of Newmarket's FB groups.


[deleted] t1_jdsk4th wrote



rahnster_wright t1_jdsm1l8 wrote

I am the first to admit he screwed up big time, but he's a close friend of mine. He knows he screwed up.

If you play ultimate, we might know each other!