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BarbarossaTheGreat t1_iqkp97b wrote

Dude if they haven’t came at you for it just forget about. For Christ’s sake their probably just wondering what the hell kind of Good Samaritan actually harasses the gov about a ticket that slips through the cracks.


Impossible-Bear-8953 t1_iqkrjcp wrote

But also keep notes of the calls you made/contact you attempted. Cause.... paperwork and bureaucracy.


Peeeculiar t1_iqlyk9t wrote

Good call. An email summarizing the outreach to date and sent to the authority would not be a bad idea.


oceanblake OP t1_iqmbwzt wrote

I was contacting parking division itself
Which authority would you suggest ?


Impossible-Bear-8953 t1_iqpdmxm wrote

City Parking, flowed by a general contact email to the City Clerk General email. It'll probably get lost in their inbox, but then you can prove you "did everything."


oceanblake OP t1_iqmbser wrote

I just dont want this to end like they call me next year I dont pick up and they just start adding fines onto it