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[deleted] t1_it710yn wrote



akmjolnir t1_it73u5m wrote

The money for Ukraine isn't coming from anywhere else other than the previously approved budget for military/aid type of stuff. You can't just reappropriate it to domestic issues.

Blame your state and local elected officials, and the people in D.C. who blow smoke up your ass when they say they care about you.


llambo17 t1_it7g6pz wrote

>The money for Ukraine isn't coming from anywhere else other than the previously approved budget for military

Yeah, that's wrong, have you forgot the other bills that have and have not been passed by congress that included funding for Ukraine? Like FEMA relief bill that included 12.3 billion in funding for Ukraine. Some of it was from the mil budget and some were not. Either or it is still money adding to or federal debt and has not shown to have really helped them that much.


[deleted] t1_it75tka wrote



BowTiedAgorist t1_it812xi wrote

Not only will they gut domestic spending happily, they'll also print every single dollar they need to wage war, buy off foreign governments, or fund the surveillance\police state...

but hey, money to support addiction, basic healthcare, social security raises for retirees... nah sorry *slaps pockets* we just don't have it.


occasional_cynic t1_it74w3r wrote

> No money to help Americans in need

Yeah, the hundreds of billions the Feds spend on social programs every year is "no money."


AMC4x4 t1_it7jrzd wrote

Seriously. I'm so sick of this idiotic narrative. "No money for... x but plenty for Ukraine," as if the US has a finite pot of money and none of it is going anywhere but Ukraine. We just write a fucking check, dude. That's what we do. Put it on the credit card. You need money for homelessness? No problem. We just need a will to do something about it.

Also, the lack of distinction between federal dollars and state dollars here isn't important I guess?
