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Trailwatch427 t1_it8wto1 wrote

Maybe you should try researching the party platforms of Dems and Republicans. They are totally different. Making a statement like that shows that you just let Fox News tell you what to think, and the rest of the time you are playing video games and watching YouTube. And doing a whole lot of cannabis, because you have no other interests in life.


FreezingRobot t1_it901yd wrote

So do you just repeat things you read on /u/politics without reading the post your responding to, or what. Who is talking about Republicans or Fox News here? Are you even old enough to vote? Do you know how primaries work?

It's a beautiful Friday afternoon, maybe go outside and touch some grass and think about what you're doing here.


warren_stupidity t1_its4w1o wrote

the policy differences between local republican and democratic candidates here are stark.

reproductive rights, lgbt rights, public education, public health, gun regulation - there is near zero agreement across parties.