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druebleam t1_itrk499 wrote

Reply to comment by l337quaker in Passing this along by Wildjosh

Good guesses.

May one also assume this person did great homework to determine it was an Asian website that wipes it clean. There’s only roughly 50 countries in Asia. And who knew there were websites that went around to commit fraud specifically at a Walmart in Hookset.



FaustusC t1_itrtmd7 wrote

A few things:

here's a story of it happening out of Boston.

It's a very common scam on these cards for thieves to steal a bunch and save all the information. Bots can be used to check balances. As soon as it's activated, they swipe whatever balance is on it.

2: some of the GC sites allow you to see most recent access to the numbers via IP, in which case, yes, you can guarantee where the person is from.

3: y'all are both assholes.


druebleam t1_its2qkn wrote

LOL. Next time don’t shit post unfounded racially slanted web clips.

I am appreciative of the link you just sent. In the future share an article like that, as it is more constructive and informative than a random Facebook post that is not fact checked and propagates bad information.
