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a1234321 t1_iu0xont wrote

We need a neutral entity doing this. It's always going to be political otherwise.


NHUndeclared t1_iu2obhq wrote

In 2019-20 when Dems controlled both chambers they sent bills to Sununu to use a neutral entity for redistricting. Sununu vetoed the bills twice.



KrissaKray t1_iu44538 wrote

I just puked in my mouth. You're watching Dems fk things up repeatedly on the Federal level and you STILL vote for them. Sad.


juicebronston t1_iu58dbh wrote

Republicans want to cut taxes for the rich and gut social security to “fix” the economy, and you still vote for them?


KrissaKray t1_iu5d0qy wrote

Ideally Social Security in its current form would no longer exist. It’s a forced garbage retirement “plan”. I don’t know how to go about getting that done in an effective manner but the government has zero business in planning for our retirements and thinking they can do better than we can on our own. Disability is a different story and should be treated as such.


NHUndeclared t1_iu4cm06 wrote

Haha, enjoy your breakfast.



NHUndeclared t1_iu4dat8 wrote

GDP up 2.6%, unemployment at historic lows, manufacturing jobs at historic highs. Biden is doing what Trump said he'd do. Strengthening the US economy, strengthening US reputation and influence around the world.

China, Russia and Iran hope Repubs take control of the House to tie Biden's hands.

#VoteBlueToSaveAmerica , #VoteBlueForSoManyReasons


Azr431 t1_iu1eyju wrote

Yep. Only 14 states use some form of independent redistricting.