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Larang5716 t1_iu6c91h wrote

Why would you cut domestic oil production and then keep buying it aboard without having any kind of backup in motion? That logic makes no sense. Could it be that the gas price increases when 2021 came around were the cause of people either getting vaccinated and then driving again or people being forced back to work and then driving again? Demand went down during the pandemic and then came up when people started using gas again. To answer your question: what do you think they're doing right now? Why do you think the inflation narrative is being spread far and wide? Oil companies haven't invested in their business in decades. They use their influence to buy off politicians from both parties and shut down any possibilities for a shift away from their oil. Did you know we've had the ability to make cars with over 100 mpg since the 80s? This current predicament isn't the cause of Democrats. It's what happens when oil and money control the world. Vote for the person that has a platform and a plan, not platitudes and slogans.


HowardNelsonJr t1_iudvzxn wrote

  1. Because the democrats want to push their green liberal dreams on us well before we’re actually ready for it. Also don’t act like a bozo.. gas prices were less than $3 for years before the pAnDeMiC.

  2. The inflation narrative is being spread far and wide because democrat policies have give us the highest inflation in 40 years and it is hurting everyone especially the poor. Obviously.

  3. If we’ve had the ability to make 100 mpg cars for 30/40 years, that tells me the EPA and government has failed, because they have allowed that not to happen. Let’s cut funding!

  4. I’ll vote for whoever the fuck I want and yes the current predicament is the cause of democrats.