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optimistic8theist OP t1_iu4m2c8 wrote

Oh nice! This is the sort of comment I was hoping for!

Any seafood or pizza places open and worth checking out this time of year there, that you can remember?


Peeeculiar t1_iu4mef1 wrote

There always Tripoli (if you do beach pizza - which is something not all folks like). I hit the one in Seabrook on the way out.


[deleted] t1_iu4r4fe wrote

seconding this! if you've never had beach style pizza, go to tripoli and order a box with extra cheese (provolone) 🤤


blzac33 t1_iu4okm0 wrote

Agree with above poster…Hampton is very peaceful this time of year. Head down rt. 1 to Markeys or Browns. I believe both are still open.


TheMobyDicks t1_iu5jo8l wrote

Brown's is my fave. Don't forget to bring your own beer.


blzac33 t1_iu5kcdq wrote

Yea buddy. Love byobs. There use to be a place in Hudson or Litchfield that was byob BBQ. Great ribs. Can’t recall the name.