Submitted by leetlenoodlehorse t3_y9c14k in newhampshire

I‘m looking to move to NH but have no idea where is a good place that is affordable. The only real requirement I have is good reliable internet connection as I work remotely. I’d really like to be around the mountains! I also know i definitely do not want to live in manchester.

I grew up in MO, so I have experience with snow and winter.. well compared to NH probs just a little idea of it considering it’s probably a lot more drastic than MO. I currently live in SC, and i hate it! Im definitely a winter and snow person, that i have learned. Any recommendations on affordable moving methods?

I’m looking to rent a 1 bedroom, possibly 2 bedroom apartment for $1,100.. $1,200 max.. I think keene looks beautiful but might be too pricey not sure though.



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Peeeculiar t1_it4qkex wrote

Your price requirements might put you way up in Coos County. Like way up.


Lumpyyyyy t1_it4sfv6 wrote

We have a vacancy right below 1% I think last I saw. You will have a difficult time finding a 1 bedroom for that price, let alone a 2BR.


Fenwick19 t1_it4vjv6 wrote

Prices vary pretty widely and apartment options are limited outside of the cities. You may be able to find a 1BR in that price range but definitely not a 2BR. Consider looking for roommates, might open up your options. Keene is a nice little town but kind of isolated. Why rule out Manchester? If you’re a young person it’s one of the best places to be in the state as there are lots of ethnic restaurants, fun bars, and things to do in general. Its central location also allows you to travel to the ocean, White Mountains, Lakes Region, and Boston all within about an hour. We have the Uncanoonuc Mountains too which are fun little mountains to hike about 20 minutes outside of town.


a1234321 t1_it5f5uk wrote

How old are you? Are you single? Do you have a family? kids?

All of these things matter.

$1100/mo without roommates for anywhere that's "good" is an insane pipedream, tbh. Maybe some dingy apartments in Somersworth?

Zillow and FB marketplace would be a good place to start.

You can try the white mountain (Conway) area. It would probably check your boxes. I grew up there but idk what the prices are these days.


ninjamansidekick t1_it5helz wrote

MO winter does not count, I lived there for a bit and it was kinda laughable what they thought a bad storm was. But it was southern MO so maybe the northern winter was closer to New England.


Emptyplates t1_it70cc3 wrote

>I’m looking to rent a 1 bedroom, possibly 2 bedroom apartment for $1,100.. $1,200 max.. I think keene looks beautiful but might be too pricey not sure though.

Try going back to 1997.

Seriously, you're not going to find a two bedroom for that price in most of New England. Without roommates, that price doesn't exist.


TheMobyDicks t1_it7ebwq wrote

"I also know i definitely do not want to live in manchester."

Dude, you're not even here yet and you're dissing ManchVegas??? Step off, bro. Manchester is like an ugly sister; we can make fun of her but she's off limits to outsiders.


Familiar-Lab-3405 t1_it7xkys wrote

Honestly your best bet would be up north in the mountains somewhere. Places are a lot cheaper up there and have a way better view than down near Manchester area. Look in the Lakes Region I bet you can find something!