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KrissaKray t1_iu7429r wrote

I’ve repeatedly stated that disability is a different animal from regular SS. Stop being a baby and going on emotion. Be objective if it’s at all possible. Social security (NOT SSDI) is unsustainable and you economically illiterate hacks cannot fathom removing some powers from the government if it means you have to be less accountable for your own future.


Beachi206 t1_iu75gav wrote

Apparently you’re not a property owner in this state. Even the Supreme Court NH said education funding based on property taxes is unconstitutional, yet 10 years later the legislature Go controlled hasn’t fixed it.


KrissaKray t1_iu75lx2 wrote

Fun fact: I AM a property owner in the state. With no kids at that so it’s a double whammy… getting nothing for my several thousands in property tax. Love that /s


ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iu77lai wrote

you definitely get something from other people's kids getting educated.

hate to break it to you, but, we live in a society


KrissaKray t1_iu77sit wrote

No, not really. Public school-educated kids don’t get the educations they deserve with our tax dollars.