Submitted by whoisdizzle t3_y297fn in newhampshire
Please don’t get all insane about why Don or Maggie suck but holy hell are the ads annoying. I primarily watch YouTube and I’d say 95 percent of the ads are now the shit throwing from these clowns
Submitted by whoisdizzle t3_y297fn in newhampshire
Please don’t get all insane about why Don or Maggie suck but holy hell are the ads annoying. I primarily watch YouTube and I’d say 95 percent of the ads are now the shit throwing from these clowns
All politicians are bastards. All of them.
Maggie Hassan. EVERYWHERE. Every. Where.
Yes the YouTube ads are brutal. Poor kid is just trying to watch Mr. Beast over here, and he can’t skip!
I bought YouTube Premium and will cancel after the election. Totally worth it to avoid that idiocy.
How much is this costing them? Must have spend 10s of millions
It’s also annoying because we get the ads from different states. Ugh
You know you can turn off targeted ads right?
No idea how on a TV
You can't on a TV.
Enjoy the ads!
Try to find it in your YouTube account settings there’s a section on ads there and if you can’t find it try your google account settings
You see ads?
I'm sick of getting the fliers in my mailbox every day. I think I'll leave a sticky note in it to ask the mailperson to please not deliver them.
Not OP, but I watch on an NVidia Shield (Android). AS far as I know I'll have to set up something on a Raspberry Pi, or something like that. No adkiller plugins on the youtube app, for obvious reasons.
Press the little i icon on the bottom left of the ad, sometimes it will let you skip
Use an ad blocking browser or browser plugin. I use the Brave browser and it blocks ads on youtube. I think ublock origin does as well. You could also subscribe to youtube premium to stop the ads. I haven't seen one yet, but my mailbox seems to get a stack of postcards every day. At least the printers are making some money.
It is terrible
can confirm ublock origin blocks ads you just gotta set the kb high enough
i set mine to block anything above 19000 kb and it blocks pretty much all youtube ads, but the ones that slip through go away with a quick refresh
Will try it, thanks!
Every other Reddit post for me is an anti-Bolduc ad.
I just want to tell Maggie lookit I’m voting for you could you please cut it out?
I get survey texts about once every other day
Pretty sure I have them memorized by now.
And the yard signs are sprouting like weeds.
Thank you! I didn't know this existed.
Either lying or the luckiest bastard on earth. The ads are so cring worthy
You're lucky, it's annoying stuff (and I am severely hyperbolizing here) like "Maggie Hassan kicks puppies vote Don Bolduc" and "Don Bolduc kicks human babies vote Maggie Hassan"
It's all been downhill since they pulled the hoebags commercial
I’ve seen a few ads here on reddit, but I’ve not seen many ads overall. Almost none on the web or youtube. Is this a cable TV thing? I know some people still watch legacy TV, poor souls.
Yes, I'm quite done with political ads this year.
i watch youtube on my phone and they're on every video
The only political mail I acknowledge past the dumpster is the odd election-year letter from my local group of Democratic state representatives saying "hi neighbor" and offering a few policy positions. (I haven't gotten anything similar recently from the local Republican candidates for state rep, even as an officially-undeclared voter, but if I did, I'd skim that too.)
That's what political mailers ought to be, but higher-level races naturally encourage more fuckery (out-of-state funding, PACs running the sort of uninformative hot-garbage ads we all hate) because of the scale of the operation and the stakes involved, especially in something like a US Senate race where our choice (or another purple state's) could seriously affect the entire country.
Edit: I agree with you, as well, that I'm currently *extra-*glad to have effective adblocking. What Adblock Plus doesn't grab, uMatrix stops in its tracks; though it's occasionally a nuisance to have to give the latter the okay for new sites, it beats being bombarded with something loud and flashing. I really only ever see ads that're hosted on the same site (usually on local news articles) unless I've allowed 'em for a particular domain.
That was practically a sentence.
400 rep seats x 2 parties = 800 people in the state trying to get you to learn their name. And that's just the House race!
This is the way. I specifically pay for premium during political ad season just to avoid that trash.
Usually I use Apollo to avoid the ads but, lo and behold, not today. This very post and Don Bolduc.
Maggie lost my vote 3 million adds ago. If she’s that well funded she’s a complete crook.
No one uses ublock origin? dafuq?
I pay the ~$14/month for YouTube premium and it is worth every dime. 0 political ads or ads of any kind
Block them and your feed improves 500%
Yes the other guy seems nice and stable.
A vpn would stop that.
Yes they are quite annoying.
Haven't seen an ad on my Shield in years (among other useful features).
Spread the knowledge. You're welcome! ✌️
Maybe I'll do a free trial for this month!
You don't have to be a victim of time theft.
In browser?
On a standalone player like Nvidia Shield?
On an Android phone?
On an iPhone?
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
On Reddit?
Well that's just excellent. Thank you.
Just remember to vote for ProlapsedMasshole this November.
I'm doing more for New Hampshire than either of the big candidates.
This ad has not been paid for by anyone
Even when you don't have the specific candidate creating attack ads some asshole PAC will make them. I'm tired of seeing those types of ads too.
I second YT Premium. YouTube is the main source of entertainment for my fiancée and I, so it was a no-brainer.
You can tell that they're lying, cuz you see their mouth moving.
I still watch legacy TV and the ads are ridiculous. Surprisingly, I see WAY more ads for Maggie than for Bolduc. I thought she was pretty safe in this race and wouldn't need to run so many ads.
Or maybe she just has a huge amount of money to spend. I dunno.
The YT ads play from the same server as the videos themselves so if you block the ad server you block the YT video.
Only a matter of time until yt premium also has ads.
What gets me is the "hassan has followed democrats and Joe bidets agenda on 100% of her votes"
Followed directly by
"Maggie hassan was voted the most bipartisan senator in america"
I hate all of this bullshit
Adblock is great on my computer but I watch a fair bit on my firestick TV and do not get luxury there
I use the Brave browser or Firefox with Ublock Origin and never see any ads.
All I know is NH is funding terrorists. We need to do something about it.
Don Bolduc spouting Qanaon talking points I can only assume he's counting on the Q crowd to show. And I'm sure they will. Hopefully just like JFK jr at Dealy Plaza. And therefore doesn't need to advertise.
Hey, he's back to his original position that the election was stolen so..he's consistent?
You tube is off limits
That's why I'm writing in a can of crisco for senate.
I will have to try that
hope Bolducs address comes up somehow so i can mail him a hot bag of dog shit
It was definitely maybe probably not stolen unless you voted for me in the primary in which case it was definitely probably stolen.
I can’t escape it. Somehow one of the parties got ahold of my info and now send me texts and letters too, it’s driving me insane
Nah, sometimes they write the lies down.
Well, she's got my vote. I'm glad someone is running a positive ad.
Absolutely worth it for the trial - not so much worth $180/year
Yeah. And I live in Massachusetts, not near the border either
Ad block? It's 2022
Nearly $5 million war chest
Ublock Origen if your using chrome works too.
Maggie supports sex positivity and recreational drug use? She's got my vote.
Any source? I would love to read up on this.
Push the phone away from your face and you won’t have to worry about it. If you can’t do that, it’s all on you for consuming it.
They're pretty worthless.
Bro your phone? It’s on your phone, radio, tv, streaming services, browser pop ups. The fuck you mean, just push your phone away or it’s on you😂
I think this may be the worst part tbh.
Got so sick of them and bought youtube premium. Best decision ever.
I am wondering if we‘ll get anything like that crazy QAnon flyer like last election.
I mean I don’t have overwhelming political ads that bother me because I don’t consume the internet every free chance I get is what I’m saying. Take a step back is all and you won’t be inundated with those ads
As a mail carrier here I'm waiting to kill myself from these ads we get a stack about 10inchs high every morning with like 4-5 per House politics are trash
Use Adblock for iPhone in the browser and Apollo for Reddit.
Ha...several per day in the PO box...the all go in the recycle bin unread
A guy on my route has a trash can next to his box for me to toss them in everyday then right when I think I'm done after delivery I go home to find them in my mailbox... can't escape
That's what the ads tell me. Idk but Maggie Hassan is funding terrorists.
Hassan comes across as desperate...
Nope. Based uBlock Origin.
I don't think it had the intended effect.
Might be more, they’ve been running her ads since the last election ended. I guess that’s one seat the democrats cannot afford to lose.
[insert politician] isn’t right for New Hampshire
Yeah, she gave a BILLION dollars to the Boston bomber while he's in prison! How did that one go under the radar?
Says a redditor
Tbh best place is highways, no one’s gonna stop in the middle of highway to place a sign where people are moving too fast to read. Then you reach the exit onto a town and there’s a literal wall of sign there
Then how the hell does apps like YouTube Vance doge the adds?
I assumed a pie hole would work, if you set it up for your router, but never looked into it.
Well he's from Laconia, I suppose if you did enough googling you could find something. That being said, mailing someone shit for different political stances is pretty shitty, and only gives the other side ammunition.
My wife and I voted for different parties one year and apparently she used my phone number for something and so I get texted from both sides...
I like politics, I think it's interesting and important. I also think it's far too toxic, so I don't get to discuss it as much as I'd like without angering or frustrating people.
I personally find these adds super obnoxious. I get why they exist, they push on the most hot topic issue to motivate voters, but man, they're just so frustrating to see over and over.
> but Bolduc opposes abortion in the case of incest & rape.
Do you have a source for this?
Wasn't that Pappas that gave $TEN BILLION to the Tsarnaevs before he was elected to office?
i hate them. always makes me wonder what good some of these people could do if they just put their money towards the issues they're harping about instead of spending millions on ads nobody listens to.
The popularity contest is most easily won by being a bad fucking person.
Why we would think that popularity contests will lead us to decent policies is beyond me.
It's a game that favors the worst fucking people in the world.
The only thing I hate more than the candidates is how much they hate each other.
As a "content creator" (musician, not youtuber), thank you for paying for your media services. It's still the best way to support the people who work to create the media you consume.
I get those too.. or DID until I wrote back "why are u texting me?" and said that I can't vote yet. Use kid spelling. They are by law not supposed to send political stuff to kids, so usually your phone number will get scrubbed out of their systems fairly quickly.
ublock origin man..
No, it was Sununu that got him on the cover of the Rolling Stone for 100 billion and a pomeranian-chow mix.
YES. And my fucking PO Box is stuffed every day, crushing all my other mail. My donation to the recycle bin is always a hefty one. I want to send them all an angry letter or something. lol
Wrong, it was 10 TRILLION DOLLARS! No wonder inflation is so high!
I worked in the Canvassing industry for a while in NH, every candidate uses George Soros funded programs, whether republican or democrat, every fucking one of them is funded by the same guy?
Exactly! Except the garbage in the mail box. I find it very useful to start campfires with out in the backyard.
Wouldn’t it be great if we all collectively did a return to sender?
I wish they made those for TV and my mailbox.
Spend 70 years gutting public education and you can get away with statements like that. Make sure to try to get that bible vote and you can be even stupider.
I heard Maggie has dons love child. Don want her to have an abortion and get over it, but Maggie wants to bring it to full transgender term.
If I could make it so you had to pay at least $1 to send me mail, I would.
My mail never has anything I want in it anymore except packages. I was seriously considering removing my mailbox but apparently that's not allowed.
Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer wants out. Permanently! I wish
What are you saying!!!???
Don rejoiced when abortion rights were revoked and it doesn’t even include rape and incest cases.
Maggie wasted money during inflation and even provided financial support to criminals and also is party to high bills and taxes and inflation. And we need to Defend New Hampshire
Yeah those two, seventy times a day
Oh man, that one was a trip.
Listen to what Don had to say about overturning Roe V Wade “that’s great” they could make it listen to what Don had to say about contracting AIDS “that’s great” could lead into that with anything 😂
I was watching Louis Rossman, and he made a pretty good point that you are better off just donating a single dollar directly to content creators you enjoy rather than subscribing to YT premium because the cut that content creators make is so small even for premium views that a dollar is far beyond whatever they would get paid for your views, like all of your views forever.
It showed up on a Hassan mailer with a source cited, but myself and the other guy likely didn't bother to validate that the statement was actually supported by the source they cited, so who knows?
Yeah exactly. I think the only source is advertising propaganda.
Oh my God. Using it now. So much better. You have my vote for any Android TV or set-top box related public office.
I hate them every year, and I hate them just as much this year. I'm not into culture wars.
I swear to god I'm going to run for a state seat solely to push my TRASH act and abstain from everything else.
To Remove Asinine Signs Here
It would prevent placement of political signs on the public right of way. Keep your shit in your yard if you feel the need.
YES, the source is that Bolduc said this multiple times during the Republican primary & multiple times! Here is an article about his flip flop:
You can block them, you just have to pay $5 more bucks for premium.
lol dO yOu HaVe A sOuRcE?! Yes, he keeps saying it. lol
This is suggesting he flipped to thinking it's a state issue. And implies previous support of Graham's federal bill (with no quote suggesting that).
But regardless, Graham's bill made exceptions
> except in cases of rape, incest or risk to the physical health of the mother.
So again, please provide a source.
Then shouldn't there be a single bit of evidence someone can link to?
We get them in Boston too so my friends and I do spoofs like: Maggie Hassan EATS MANGLED BABY DUCKS. ha
Adblock is a must for me, I will stop using youtube before subjecting myself to the trash ads.
Honestly, worth it.
It’s kinda funny how they’re like “don Bolduc will ban abortion nationwide and throw your grandma straight in the grave!”
And then they have to splice together 6 different clips with a narrator filling in the gaps to make It sound true
And isn't that pittance from YT Premium still more than they'd make off the ad revenue?
I think political posts on here bother me more
I've seen people all over the country commenting they see them. Usually something along the line of "I'm tired of seeing her face and I'm not even from NH"
This guy says it best.
No cable here but the ads show up continuously on Hulu and YouTube
As a pimp, I can assure you the money is being put to good use putting my children through college.
All I know is that one of the abortion related ads is worded so poorly, it's like "So and so will ban abortions and throw you in jail... FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF!!!!"
They are everywhere. I started seeing Chris Pappas pop up last night on Comedy Central. Friends in MA get them too. It’s brutal. Same as over and over.
The plus to all this is it channels a shockingly large amount of money into the local economy.
Yes it is. I'd rather pay the people who are creating the content directly, but I still like to support any content creators that I watch, so I pay for pro.
Well, yes, that's a valid point. The best way to support content creators is, and always will be, as directly as possible. I just meant that, in terms of support through service providers, it's better for the creators if you pay.
r/NewHampshire_ sub. New Hampshire with an underscore. Because the original NewHampshire sub got commandeered by Freestaters (ironic, right?)
A Brand **spanking** new sub for all your New Hampshire wants and needs
-Not overwhelmed with "massholes" or whatever state you wish to demonize (I'm particular to Maine, myself, but you do you)
-Not overwhelmed with posts of "I want to move to NH and I am looking for a single family home on 6 acres with easy access to public transportation for under $200k" (aka... unicorn seekers)
-Politics are OK. They are an inherent part of living in NH. And they are important, as they impact us all. In fact, at least 1 mod will be lefty and at least 1 mod will be righty (once we get numbers up and people volunteer to MOD). I'd like to have a handful of mods so that the power doesn't rest in the hands of ONE individual (like with r/newhampshire). Freestaters will be allowed to post but not MOD. Because unlike with r/NewHampshire, freestaters will not control this sub nor ban members for (rightfully) bashing freestaters.
-Will have a bipartisan MOD group when possible, so all sides are equally represented (much like our purple state)
-Foliage/nature pics are always encouraged (because our state is beautiful, show it loud and proud!)
-Keep in mind that you are speaking to your fellow neighbors when you are posting; please be civil, be polite
-Not moderated by one freestater, who has better things to do like argue that the age of consent should be 0
-Not overrun by bears
-Will not encourage NH voting to secede from the US
-Will not encourage selling Gunstock to Vail
Yup. I'm always surprised at how many ads other people put up with. I've had Ad Blocker for probably twenty years. I switched to Brave maybe a year ago to get better ad blocking on mobile and it works very nicely.
A lot of the stations are nationally owned by one or two major companies.
If only I could shut the ads and polls off completely. I got a pollster phone call while I was at the vet putting my dog down and I almost lost my S over it.
Fat guy in chair with red shirt that hates Bolduc is the most aggravating “Everyman” ever cast. His voice, tone and delivery is like fire ants in your ear.
RickyDaytonaJr t1_is1j9un wrote
Tom Steyer started this trend a few years ago and now it’s never going to end. Fuck you, Tom Steyer.