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Wear_Overall t1_it84g98 wrote

Can WMUR get through a broadcast without making a mistake? It's Bellow's Falls, not Bellow Falls. More commonly known as Fellow's Balls, VT.


a1234321 t1_it999f6 wrote

You really gonna complain about a possessive s?

Don't you have better things to do?


Wear_Overall t1_it9ueba wrote

It’s not a complaint- I actually find their errors kinda funny- once you notice one you’ll notice them all. At least they’re consistently sloppy.


Maldonian t1_itcbyjw wrote

It’s actually Bellows Falls, with no apostrophe, but your point is still valid. Amazing how sloppy most journalists are.


valleyman02 t1_it8j8w4 wrote

Let's be honest how much effort are you going to get. They have a bunch of new people at WMUR. That I'm sure they pay squat for compared to the industry at Large. It's just like the internet how accurate is the internet if you're paying guys two cents a letter to create content. So I've been tracking the WMUR desk. If you notice there is a slight difference in some segments of these "news desks". I'm pretty sure they're doing some segments that are not located at the Manchester location. It's just a theory I have that they're trying to save cost. by making some segments of the broadcast they can broadcast to every station. thus saving them expenses for more profit. As I say it's just a working theory.

This is a terrible accident and just makes clear that our roads are becoming more and more dangerous.


Mission-Document5257 t1_itb81q8 wrote

Yeah, these bears are EVERYWHERE.


valleyman02 t1_itbpeaw wrote

I get it they want to make a joke cuz you think I'm an idiot. I'm just BS reality you believe it or not.


Kv603 t1_it9dvme wrote

I've been told by law-enforcement that you should drive to a safe area if you can, or at least pull all the way off the road, not just onto the shoulder.

I mean, you're not going cross-country with the 5" of ground clearance offered by a Ford Focus, but the car already had "significant disabling damage" so no harm in pulling into the brush.


Happy_Confection90 t1_itanjrx wrote

If they actually could pull over more, right? A white tail deer can wreck your car if you hit it and an adult male black bear is on average more than twice as heavy.