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Peeeculiar t1_it0fgli wrote

Here’s to justice being served. That poor couple.

It will be interesting to hear testimony-level-detail on how the heck they tracked Corporal Clegg down and tied him to this case.


[deleted] t1_it0gxoo wrote



kathryn13 t1_it0yice wrote

That was the homeless guy that killed a Manchester resident on the rail trail at Nutt's Pond in Manchester.


[deleted] t1_it0zwss wrote



kathryn13 t1_it1z01q wrote

I haven't read that the Concord couple killer was ever previously caught. They arrested him in South Burlington and he's been in jail since.

The guy that stabbed the Manchester resident at Nutt's Pond was on PR bail release after stabbing someone else. According to the UL article he was twice arrested and released. My understanding part of the problem Manchester is facing with homeless is because the jail for the county is located here. So if a suspect is arrested in Nashua, they get brought to valley street jail in Manch. When they get PR bail, they get released onto the Manchester streets - they don't get returned to Nashua. This goes for all the towns in Hillsborough county. So if Amherst has a homeless person, they could arrest them, send them to jail on bs charges, when they get released, they get stuck in Manchester unless they have a way to get themselves back to Amherst. It's become a great way for Hillsborough towns to mitigate their own homeless residents. The Nutt's Pond murderer entered NH in Nashua, arrested in Nashua, released to the streets of Manchester. The dude clearly needs some mental health services and it's a shame he can't get them while he's in jail.