Submitted by [deleted] t3_yzqjjv in newhampshire
Consistent-Winter-67 t1_ix1i318 wrote
Man I miss CPs pizza in Scituate. Was pretty good.
doggotattooer t1_ix1lja5 wrote
Buxtons, last day of the year is tomorrow though
LloydChristmas666666 t1_ix1mywi wrote
Derry Area. 😂 😂 😂. I laughed too hard at this.
ryandarr1979 t1_ix1nzzz wrote
fuck_yo__couch t1_ix1u537 wrote
Gran finallys
TJsName t1_ix1w9mn wrote
It's French for butt
Ganonsfoot t1_ix21ds1 wrote
Charlie Mac's does good work! I order from there all the time!
Alternative-Cry-4667 t1_ix318b8 wrote
Domino’s in Londonderry
redditthrower888999 t1_ix37yin wrote
Sal’s isn’t too bad.
ryandarr1979 t1_ix3c3om wrote
Definitely a bunch of places I will miss. Linwood in Randolph, Town Spa in Stoughton, Poopsies in Marsh Vegas, Spencers in Abington, etc.
Consistent-Winter-67 t1_ix3c9ot wrote
Couldn't really get behind Poopsies. Like it's an okay pizza but not my favorite. Airport pizza was decent enough before they sold the place to Mannys.
ryandarr1979 t1_ix3cnmg wrote
I’ve had really good wheels there and just OK, but most of the time, they’ve been consistently good.
Qbncgr t1_ix3dp0b wrote
You’ll die laughing when then when someone mentions the Derry air!
LloydChristmas666666 t1_ix3f2kv wrote
I hear it’s smoggy
1logan1 t1_ix3ir6i wrote
Hard agree!
Individual_Gazelle46 t1_ix3lsor wrote
Buxtons is the best!
lantrick t1_ix3vlyt wrote
>Gran finallys
They're good , but IMHO not good enough for a 25-40 minute Derry/Salem round trip.
But to each his own ,lol
Remarkable_Culture97 t1_ix4bbm2 wrote
Probably none. I'm from NY. They rip you off around here. Best place I would go, 501.
butterfly1099 t1_ix4sngp wrote
Market Basket has the cheapest option. Blue house is my favorite
larrybird56 t1_ix5051j wrote
EricInAmerica t1_ix5f2go wrote
What's with the gap?
bonez3113 t1_ix5f2s1 wrote
ColemanGreene t1_ix5feaj wrote
Closest to south shore bar pizza in NH is the Shannon Door in Jackson. Slightly different pan used, but same style/flavor. Family moved from Southie in the 50s, the grandfather/founder had a pizza place in Stoughton in the 40s/50s, which explains the style. Recipe hasn’t changed in the 40+ years I’ve been eating it.
[deleted] OP t1_ix66hw9 wrote
They had to close for the bypass construction
Beneficial-Hand4310 t1_ix6jebv wrote
Prosciuttos and blue house (btw...three way at blue house is awesome!)
Least-Car6096 t1_ix6nhp5 wrote
Yup! I agree, top 3. Paisano’s is pretty good too.
ThisIsNotTuna t1_ix7y5np wrote
I feel the same way about Sal's, honestly.
ThisIsNotTuna t1_ix7yemk wrote
Welp, apparently the service in Hudson is less than stellar, so...Derry it is.
EricInAmerica t1_ix7yiqh wrote
When? I was there recently, and there was no mention of it. I know they have to move eventually, but last I knew there was no timeline.
Qbncgr t1_ix86f0z wrote
Have not been to the Hudson location. Derry has only been open about a year. They do a bogo on Tuesday. Code is BOGO1
[deleted] OP t1_ix8e82v wrote
Apparently it hasn't closed yet but that whole plaza is slated to be demolished. I didn't realize the plans were at the local interplanetary planning board on Alpha Centauri. To be fair they were in the basement in a locked filing cabinet located in a disused lavatory with a sign that read " beware of leopard".
MadaMalkerian t1_ixcthzz wrote
Blue House, Kelsens and Pass who's for wings
Dirkdiggla1 t1_ixello8 wrote
Mickeys NY
Dramatic_Meringue568 t1_ixft2at wrote
make the treck to Espresso Pizza on Main Street in Nashua. you won’t regret it. the owner, jack, is the fuckin’ man.
ryandarr1979 t1_ix1gdvw wrote
Just relocated full time from South Shore, MA. Looking for folks’ favorite restaurants, in this case, pizza.