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Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_ixhmxrx wrote

Maybe I could cross in Vermont, but I would think the NH plates and ID would make things tricky. Plus I'm not sure the closest dispensary would be any closer than going over to Maine. Seems like something I'd hate to find out the hard way. Would rather just be able to grow my own without the risk of losing my house / kids.


Tullyswimmer t1_ixholpr wrote

Yeah, that's fair. I don't use myself but I see no reason why people can't grow their own if they can just drive to ME, VT, or MA and get it.


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_ixhphfo wrote

Exactly, I stay up here because I just like to be left the fuck alone haha.


Tullyswimmer t1_ixi0vdg wrote

Damn good place to live if you like to be left the fuck alone, that's for sure.