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Annual_Champion_1555 t1_iv28m83 wrote

Literally across the street from my parents house. Dad was outside when it went off and it scared the crap out of him.


Cullen7777 t1_iv2ixzm wrote

what a waste of resources. Teenagers being teenagers


cwalton505 t1_iv3a63k wrote

I'd say more likely around Salisbury the point is to hear it go "boom", see a flash (time of day dependent) and laugh like giddy children. My largest concern, as a parent, would be that the kids aren't being as dumb as I was. These kids sounds like they are as dumb I was.


JessePunch t1_iv3c2pk wrote

now that's a spicy salisbury steak edit: this really blew up


Fuzzy-Scar3055 t1_iv3lung wrote

Salisbury is one of those towns where this would happen….


nill0c t1_iv5bvw0 wrote

Yeah, if it makes a big boom, it’s a bomb. Especially in police and clickbait news reports.

Also it’s dangerous, but intent to harm cannot be assumed without more details. See Hanlon’s Razor.


farts_in_the_breeze t1_iv5bvzc wrote

I remember when they were finding pipe bombs in some North Shore in Massachusetts cities a while back. Every few months they'd find one. Don't think they ever found the culprit.