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BlackJesus420 t1_ixiocno wrote

This general vibe in this state is just a little bonkers lately.


quaffee t1_ixituhh wrote

>This general vibe in this state whole country is just a little bonkers lately.


BlackJesus420 t1_ixixixv wrote

Fair enough, I’m just used to America on the whole being nuts. NH, not so much!


Tullyswimmer t1_ixjdspo wrote

Yeah, and then add in Daylight savings and the regular seasonal shit...


Consistent-Winter-67 t1_ixjtfgo wrote

Thankfully we still have a pretty low (relative to other states) crime rate. We technically haven't even gad a mass shooting, since Drega counts as a spree shooting


Flat-Development-906 t1_ixjw84w wrote

This time of year always amps up crime. Between the cold, lack of light, and holidays, people act bizerker now until February. Also doesn’t help when social media is saturated with crime and shitty things. It makes you forget we have 1.3 million people here in NH, so crime and awful things seem way more potent than they are.


NHGuy OP t1_ixizw0j wrote

not sure I would have the whole state reflect the actions of a few


BlackJesus420 t1_ixjezfq wrote

May just be perception, but it seems there has certainly been increased violent crime in New Hampshire this year. It’s certainly unnerving and I don’t think I’m alone.