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yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv85bwv wrote

I am very intrigued! Tell me more. What kind of music???


deaddrums t1_iv8840n wrote

It's like really weird ADHD prog rock, sometimes funk rock, sometimes punk and a little metal influence in the mix. The band is called Parietal Eye. We were playing the Hamster wheel race at the New Boston Fairgrounds where some people are running for like 30 hours straight! Pretty crazy stuff and we've played there 5 or 6 years in a row and it's always a really fun community experience! Lots of little kids dancing around and we entertain the people tenting and cheer on the runners


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv898hz wrote

Sounds awesome. Got any YouTube links?


deaddrums t1_iv8cx1q wrote Here is our first EP! We're working on an album now that will be a lot better but you gotta start somewhere. Listen to the one called straddleflat for a good idea of what we sound like live. Also it's on steaming services if you got that and thats higher quality than YouTube