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musicals4life t1_ixi12nm wrote

Not so fun fact, by definition this event would be a "spree killing" and not a mass murder. A mass murder requires all the victims to be in one location, where a spree killing is defined by the murders occurring in multiple locations within a short period of time. These 2 murders in different locations within a day is textbook spree killing. :(


Consistent-Winter-67 t1_ixi170e wrote

So in a way I was right that there was no mass shooting.


musicals4life t1_ixi1ag5 wrote

You were technically correct. Which is the best kind of correct


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_ixi1y47 wrote

I was just reading a NH Journal article from this year that refers to it as "the state's only mass shooting". So take that for what it's worth.