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glitteryunicornlady t1_ix5wdy2 wrote

I watched a YouTube video about that whole thing. After watching it, I think I'd feel awkward there too, for different reasons. Lol.


[deleted] OP t1_ix61kdr wrote



glitteryunicornlady t1_ixd3vtm wrote

I gotta find that video for you. You'll probably find some humor in it.


[deleted] OP t1_ixd5qgq wrote



glitteryunicornlady t1_ixd65mv wrote

Found it. Yeah, it goes into detail about that alarm too. I'm just a loud person...I feel like I wouldn't be able to be in the same room as it without accidentally setting it off somehow. 😄🤷‍♀️


[deleted] OP t1_ixd8nad wrote



glitteryunicornlady t1_ixf3cwz wrote

Lol well that's good! I have one of those giant water bottles. I love it because I drink a ton of water even when not working out. Stay hydrated 😁👍


[deleted] OP t1_ixfeddw wrote



glitteryunicornlady t1_ixfhdzf wrote

Well I'm glad you've been exposed to a wonderful part of YouTube (in my opinion). And keep chugging the water! If I was anywhere near there I'd offer to hang out and let you be scared of me in person. Lol


glitteryunicornlady t1_ixf3jw7 wrote

Just realized you sent me Scott Cramer's video about PF. I watched it way back when it came out (because I enjoy me some Scott Cramer) but watching it again lol