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Waythorwa t1_ivkeolj wrote

Reply to comment by nowhereman1223 in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed

I agree wholeheartedly, especially in times like these. However, republican voter solidarity is extremely strong, and the only thing that will push the dems to actually lift a finger is to show them they won't get continued support for their mediocre efforts. If I don't see any significant results through 2022, I'm back to independent voting.


lMickNastyl t1_ivld0ud wrote

I feel you, the democratic party is going through a real identity crisis right now. The Republican party has a strong and united front (not that I agree with them but their base has that advantage). Democrats really need to unite around a few key figures and clear action and soon.

It's not going to be Biden, because I and 90% of people who voted for him only did so because his last name didn't didn't begin with T.

The democratic party is really lackluster at the moment and all they need to do to be better imo is not radicalize your conspiracy riddled uncle.